sherlock and co (short)

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fun fact i adtually wrote this while watching bluey


"You doing alright there, mate?" John questioned as he ran a veiny hand through his stubble, which caught Sherlock's attention. He leaned back against his chair. "Quite sure," You'd hear the words come out his mouth. "Why?" Sherlock added, his voice deep and monotone in contrast to his flatmate's.

John grinned a little as he held back laughter. "Well... You're watching Bluey while you're cuddled up beside me, mate. Don't think that's somethin' you'd do." He paused for a moment, shaking his head and catching his words. "No, actually, that is something you'd do --- I just can't believe you'd do it while you're with me. I find it quite interesting, actually."

-- "I could care less for what you have to say if it means I get to watch Bluey."

John smiled at the words. "Don't you think that's a tid bit stupid?" he replied playfully while he nudged his boyfriend's shoulder.

"You're stupid." Sherlock scoffed.

"Tough." John said and kissed Sherlock on the cheek.

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