'21' pinky promise

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Y/n pov

For the first time in my life I wake up on my own terms and I'm not waken up by any sort of beating from my uncle. It's a nice feeling, one I haven't known in a really long time.

Wanda is next to me. She's fallen asleep on the couch bed next to me. I look around. It's plain hospital room except in Stark Tower.

I reach over to grab the glass of water next to me. I gulp it down and it's the first time I've noticed how thirsty I actually was.

"Hey" I look up to see Nat.

"How you feeling?" She asks

"I'm fine" I answer. It's become an automatic response even though I know it's not true.

"We both know you're lying. Get over yourself and tell me what's going on" she orders.

I scoff. "I'm in a lot of fucking pain if you want to know so bad"

"I know you are," she says.

"Then why bother asking?" I snap.

"I meant mentally" she crosses her arms and my heart drops.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"I mean you have recurring nightmares, don't try and lie to me about those, I already know."

"Yeah, so?" I act as if the nightmares aren't making me want to rip myself apart.

"So I know you must be dreaming about something. I know you put up this facade to make it seem like you're so tough, well guess what? That won't work on me."

"How can you talk?"
"You put up the same act," I say angrily.

"At least I can pull it off" she snaps at me.

"What can I do to make you trust me?" She asks.

"Have you ever considered the possibility that it's not you I don't trust, it's everyone else?"

Nat stays silent.

"Clearly you hadn't"
"Why do you care?" I whisper.

"Because if i don't, who will?"

I look down at my lap and fidget with my thin string bracelet wrapped around my wrist.

I hate how she's right. No one cares about me. She's the only person who ever showed any interest in my safety.

"If I tell you, will you answer something for me?" I ask.

She thinks it through but she nods her head.

I pull out my pinky finger and hold it out in front of her. She wraps her pinky finger around mine and we lock it.

She sits on a corner of my bed.

"Sometimes, I'll have nightmares where I'm getting beat, except it's not a fragment of my imagination. They're all memories." I let out a shudder.

"By your uncle?" Nat asks slowly. She knows it is but I think she just wants me to admit it.

I nod slowly.

"He's a big drinker and when he gets mad he tends to take it out on me"

A few tears fall from my eyes but I wipe them away.

Nat wraps her arms around me and I let myself let go into her warm embrace. It reminds me of my mother's hug.

"Y/n you are never going back to that shithole again, I promise"

I nod into her shoulder. I know it's not true. I've been promised that before and it's always been broken. I've lost hope.

"Are you red?" I ask and I feel her tense under our hug.

She lets me go and I know I'm right.

"Red? Who's red?" She acts dumb but I already know I've got her.

"You are, aren't you?"

Nat stays quiet but she nods.

"How did you know?" She asks.

"Wasnt hard..." I shrugged. "And it was an educated guess"

Nat chuckles. I can't believe I'd been talking to the avengers this whole time.


Heyyyy so how y'all been???

Ok enough of u guys
Basically this one boy from my class confessed to me n he's so nice n kind n he's not a gangster ifykwim and so I told all my friends ab it n they told me give him a chance so I did and I told him we could talk bc I thought I liked him too but now slowly I'm realizing idk If I do like him or if I js WANT to like him n it's like kind of awkward now like between us bc before we could talk normally but now I think I'm genuinely avoiding him cs I feel bad and I feel like ima say the wrong things and it's not me stressing outtt 😭😔

Help me you guys idk what to do bc I also don't think I've gotten over my last crush🧍🏾‍♀️ I need help😭

Anyways tell me how your day has been?😘🫶🏽

Bye honey bunches tysm for letting me Yap 😝

Don't b a ghost reader u guys 🙄🙄

802 words

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