'29' wakey wakey

239 15 32

Y/n pov

I couldn't even remember what my nightmare was about but it shook me to my core so hard I woke up screaming.

I remember wrapping my arms around Nat and her helping me through my panic attack and her running her hands through my hair. I hate to say it but I felt safe. For the first time in a really long time I felt safe in someone else's arms.

But I hated myself for allowing myself to show my emotions to her. I hated crying in front of other people and last night I had a mental breakdown in front of Nat. I guess I hate crying in front of other people because every time I would show any sort of emotions in my house, I would get beat for it. According to my uncle it was because I 'didn't deserve it' so yeah that was always fun.

I turn to see if Nat is still laying down next to me. She's not. I'm actually relieved she's not here when I wake up because I know she'll want to ask me what happened and if i was ok and I would lie to her because I wouldn't tell her what I dreamed of and I would tell her her I was ok when I would be thinking to myself.

"You're not okay. Tell her you're not okay." But in the end I wouldn't do it.

I lay in the bed and close my eyes. I'm not sleepy but I find there's nothing better to do.

"Hey kid." I open my eyes and see Captain America standing in front of me.

"Oh. Hi." I smile awkwardly.

"Heard about what happened last night" he says softly.

"Did you, now?" I roll my eyes.

"Yeah I did. I just wanted to come down and tell you that it's ok. You're ok. You're safe."

"For now." I mutter.

"What does that mean?" He asks.

"It means you guys might think I'm safe but the truth is I'm just gonna go right back to where I was living at and once you do I will try and do the same thing I attempted. Wanna know why?" I don't wait for him to answer. "Because I'm sick and tired of being lied to by people who claim they care about me but then they ditch me on the side if the road like I'm a piece of shit."

" if that sounds familiar it's because you guys have done it to me."

"Y/n you're not going back there. You're going to be living here."

"Haha. Take pity on me. Sure. Do what you want without even asking ne what I want."

"We assumed you wanted an out of that house."

"Yeah you're right and I was about to get it until nat showed up and brought me here "

"Kid, we're sorry but you don't have to stay in that house anymore. It's a torture house."

"Crazy that it took you finding me on the verge of death to realize that house was a hellhole."

"Y/n-" he started but he was cutoff. "Let me talk to her Cap" Nat softly pushed his shoulder away from the door. She walked through and sat down in the chair near my bed. She turned and made sure Cap was gone before she began talking to me.

"Do you want to tell me what went down yesterday? Or this morning I guess"

Immediately I feel all the blood rush to my head and I felt my face getting hot.

I look down at the blanket I had draped over my legs and pick at my skin.

I shake my head slowly.

"You don't have to be embarrassed" Nat reassured me but I can't shake the awful feeling that I get when someone has seen me cry. I feel weak. I hate that feeling.

I stay quiet.

"I have them too you know?" Nat says softly. I look up at her. I guessed I had always seen her a this strong independent woman who everyone was scared of who also happened to be an avenger. I didn't think they were burdened with past memories.

She smiles and nods. "Yeah I do. Sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night in a puddle if sweat and tears on my pillow. It's not a good feeling."

"What are they about?" I say slowly.

"Most of them are from my time in the Red Room, I see myself killing other people with no control over my body. I see myself being abused by the people there every day" I look at her in tears. All this time I had thought that she would never understand me when she was me, or at least a part of me.

"I'm sorry." I whisper and dig my face into my hands.

"No. It's ok. Don't worry. I'm okay now. I've found people that care about me and love me. And the same thing can happen with to you if you just let it happen. Let me help you. Please." She moves from the chair to my bed.

I'm crying into my hands but I feel her reach for my wrists. I pull my hands away from my face and look at her with tears in my eyes.

"Will you let me help you?" She asks. I look into her eyes and search for any sign of distrust but I can't find any.

I nod and she smiles.

"Come here." She pulls me into a hug and I hug her back. I've never felt more safe in my entire life.

"Thank you." I mumble into her shoulder.

"No. Thank you, y/n" she says and I smile.

Hello guys it's me your favorite fanfic author and if I'm not ur fav wtf is wrong w u I'm obviously the best one ever. Your stupid and dumb and a bitch cs I'm the best guys. Anyways how have you guys been ??

Any tea?? Please tell me there's tea??? 🙏 anything?? I'm begging you please.

Ok anyways how u areeeee ?  Remember if u ever need to vent to someone I'm always here my messages are always there and I'm always here to listen and give u guys a shoulder to cry on or like a virtual shoulder.

Ok bye guys ilysm

1058 words

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