Chapter 23: Home is Where my Love is

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a/n SUPER MEGA FUCKING HUGE CHAPTER FOR YOU GUYS. boy i sure do miss writing super long chapters. this is the last chapter, then the epilogue.

go forth and be wonderful, read on.

btw harshly edited because it's so much to edit. ill spruce it up better later on.



"Leave this town now. Get yourself and your friends to safety." Thor softly demands me after witnessing the distance madness. Clearly he is not only worried for my safety, he is worried for my mortal friends. He surely has changed, no longer is he the arrogant thick headed prince. Although I will miss his arrogance, it was truly adorable at times.

"What about you?" I wonder with deep concern for him.

"I must stay and fight," He tells me as his left hand brushes a strand of hair behind my ear, then grabs behind my neck, not to kiss me, to only gaze at one another. The Warriors 3 and Sif look to Thor with the look 'are you crazy' that I am way too familiar with. "I'm still a warrior, and I will fight by their side." He tells us strongly.

"Then I will do the same." I say while grabbing his right hand tightly. "I may not be a warrior but I will stay by your side."

Volstagg loudly speaks up. "You're both but a mortal now. You'll get yourself killed!"

Fandral, being the sassy boy he has always been, scoffs at Thor's idea. "Or one of us, trying to protect you."

"The best thing you both can do is get the mortals to safety and leave the battle to us." Sif tells us with her determination. I cannot help but give a hateful glance to her, she always has to have a say against everything I go for. Albeit Sif seemingly appears to have grown a bit, she still acts to be the know-it-all.

Thor's eyes wander away from mine, looks out to the city, and watches the citizens who are oblivious to the oncoming threat scramble around in terror. I do the same and soon realise they desperately need help, this possibly has never happened in this small town so they might have no idea what to do. My mortal friends cannot handle this by themselves, they did not even know about Asgard until just yesterday, I have no choice.

So I sigh heavily and comb my hair back in stress. "You're right." I huff. Everyone, even Thor, all look surprised from my sudden change in attitude.

Here on Midgard, I was known to be the grumpy, 'screw everyone' type of person, only because I hated living here amongst those who treated me like dirt. (Not including my Midgardian friends) In this situation, along with finally having Thor back, this is entirely different, it is not about Thor, our love nor I. So I turn to Jane, Selvig, and Darcy. "Help me clear the streets. I refuse to let any one die this day."

Sif grants a respective smile. "You're suddenly so positive, why the change?"

I give her another look, not of hatred, but of mischievousness. "I believe 'tis time for me live up to my title. I mustn't dwell on the past forever." Sif rolls her eyes, even if we have grown we still have our feuds. "Sif, even after so much time we still are at each other's neck."

"I will be for as long as you are with him." Sif mumbles low enough so that I can only hear it. Her dark eyes stare at me for a few moments, then she stomps off.

I knew that Sif was referring to Thor. I knew that since the beginning of her existence, she would serve Thor in hopes he would return the same. I remember when Loki told me that there was a time where Sif and Thor were inseparable, they were truly great friends. Until 5 year old Delia came along, I can even clearly remember the first time I met them all.

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