Chapter 16: Blue Sky, One Sun

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"I'm so sorry. I swear I'm not doing that on purpose!" I cry while scrambling to Thor. He is splayed across the ground, his expression is dazed and confused. I hurry to him and help Thor up, and I notice he's still wearing the blue gown the hospital gave him. Which looks a little silly, but I ignore that at the moment.

Thor stands tall, taller than me, even. He tilts his head up to the skies, as if examining it. "Blue sky . . . one sun . . ." Thor says with his loud, king like voice. "This is Earth, isn't it?"

"I think you've hit him too many times, Delilah." Darcy jests. I glare to her and a smirk plays across her lips.

"C'mon, we should probably get you some clothes." Jane speaks up.

I look up to Thor, and I absentmindedly smile to him. We both stare at one another for a bit, his striking eyes were so beautiful. My eyes (which were hazel at that moment, due to coloured eye lenses) travels around his facial features. He's grown more, actually. A golden stubble, stronger jawline, he looks more less like a prime and more like a king.

"Hi . . ." I breathe.

"Delilah, stop drooling over him and come on!" Darcy yells.

I blush fiercely and send a hateful glower to Darcy, who shrugs and jumps into the back of the van. I shook my head and did not dare to look back to Thor, I am too embarrassed to at the moment. I march to the front of the vehicle then to the driver's side. I climb in and slam the door, while Thor sits in the back, next to Darcy and Erik. It is not cramped since this vehicle is very roomy and big.

Darcy's eyes flit up and down Thor's body, a satisfied smile appears on her face. "Hey." She greets with a 'cool' voice.

Thor ignores her. "Where are you taking me, Mortal." He directs towards me. I cannot believe that Thor does not remember me! The girl who was his friend since the years of childhood, he can't remember that. Though he is thick headed, but nevertheless he should remember who he loves!

I clear my throat before I speak. "Somewhere safe." I reply.

Thor exhales deeply, his huge chest heaving a sigh. "Very well."


We arrive to Jane's home, Thor is currently trying to wear clothes that I have loaned him. Jane and I are gathering things and organizing such, but I am too distracted. I stare the entire time as he walks out shirtless, only adorned low cut jeans that looks so amazing on him. Darcy eyes Thor from a distance, her attraction towards him is ticking me off.

"For a crazy homeless guy," Darcy says. "He's pretty cut." She pauses as he walks over to a desk. "Hey, sorry I tased you!" She continues.

Thor begins to mess with equipment that belongs to Jane, which he isn't supposed to do! I hurriedly run over and stop him while exclaiming; "Excuse me . . . Excuse me!" I take away the item, and Thor frowns down to me.

"What is this." He says while holding out the shirt. A white tag on it says 'HI MY NAME IS DR. DONALD BLAKE', oh gods I gave him that shirt?

"Uh . . ." I murmur.

"Her ex." Jane answers for me. In which Thor looks to me with a raised golden eyebrow. I feel my face heat up and I reach out to rip off the sticker.

"She tried dating other dudes but she's too creepy for that." Darcy says casually. I roll my optics and tear away the damned thing off of his shirt. In return, Thor slips on the garb. It is a little tight around his upper chest, but other than that it fits him nicely.

"Apologies, they're the only clothes I had that'll fit you." I confess sheepishly.

"They will suffice." Thor's deep voice says. It sends shivers down my back and I cringe from that feeling. I shake it away and give my attention to my main objective: trying to slowly break it to him who I am.

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