Chapter Four. Test II

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"The heart full of worries and doubts is often the most comforting and pure"~Purity.
White. Everywhere was white. I was standing in the middle of what seemed like a rectangular box, with no beginning or end and all I could see was my reflection.

Am I dead? Is this some kind of limbo? Where am I? 

I panicked for a second before I realized that it was a good thing. If I were dead, I wouldn't have to participate in the tests and I could finally reunite with Arthur, Maze, and Drake.

The only contrast to this place was my hair which was blacker than the night. It wasn't braided anymore, so it flowed down to my waist. My eyes were brown. Maze said that was the only color that made sense for it to be called. My eyes were the color of dusk and dawn, yet it glowed like it was orange and sometimes, it seemed red.

My lips were almost red and I had a heart-shaped nose and a round face. I was an ethereal beauty and everyone knew it.
The place was white, but it wasn't white. It was... pure.

"Hello," The voice was melodic and it sounded as if she was singing.

I turned around and my eyes met the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Everything about her was white, even her hair. She wore a white sleeveless gown with a v-neckline that hugged her gorgeous figure and flowed freely to her ankles. She looked like a goddess. Her skin was whiter than milk and it felt like I could see my reflection.

Who was she? When I looked at her, I felt like I was dirty and impure.

Purity! She was the twin sister of Pearla, the goddess of peace. She was Purity, the goddess of virtue and salubrity.

"You are the goddess Purity?" It was more of a confirmation than a question.

"Why do you carry gratuitous guilt? It taints you." She spoke again. Her voice was just pure.

"What do you mean?"

"We must not have time. Listen to me, August, they cannot know I have come. Pay heed. Trust no one." Her voice became urgent and she looked around like someone was eavesdropping. She seemed scared.

"Trust no one? What do you mean?" Words I wanted to say but couldn't because my eyes opened.

My eyes fluttered open and my head ached like a thousand giants were stampeding.
I laid on my back and I gazed at the darkest shade of blue eyes.

"Blue?" I managed to say. Everywhere hurt.

"Xarian. Are you alright?" He asked and I just groaned.

"I fell from 30 feet and you are asking if I am alright?" I hoped the sarcasm seeped in.

"Since you are healthy enough to be snarky, then we are ready to go" He offered me his hand.

I took it and he pulled me to my feet. Then he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and supported me as we walked into the forest.
We found a big rock and he placed me on it to sit.

"Rest for a while and tend to your wounds. I hid your bag, so they didn't take it. So you can continue after" I looked at him like he was crazy. He was crazy.

"I'm not going through with the test. I can't survive, Blue. We both know it. I am in this mess because you refused to choose me for the Wyn Hood. I don't care what Meridan has to say, I'm not prevailing."

He bent down and held my hand, "Arthur, Mazikeen, and Drakon died to save you. You have to survive Xarian."

"I trained to be a Wyn or a healer, not a knight. If I magically survive the test, I won't make it in the knight division." I sighed.

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