Eye Of Monox

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Rick emerged from the makeshift lab, his expression grave as he handed each of us the coordinates for the Eye of Monox on our sleek smartwatches, a product of his ingenious craftsmanship.

"All you gotta do is follow the directions. Good luck," he said, his voice tinged with a mix of determination and concern.

We geared up with a sense of anticipation, activating the teleporter device that whisked us away to the vicinity of the Eye of Monox.

As we surveyed our surroundings, a sense of desolation washed over us. The once-thriving streets now lay in ruins, the remnants of homes barely standing amidst the devastation. The grim aftermath was punctuated by the scattered skeletons of those who had fallen victim to the chaos, a haunting reminder of the price of failure in this unforgiving landscape.

As we followed the directions given, a question that had been nagging at me suddenly bubbled to the surface, demanding an answer. Through the earpiece, I posed the question to Rick, seizing the moment despite the urgency of our mission.

"Hey Rick, I've always wondered... why are there people who don't need masks to survive the radiation outside?" I murmured quietly, the curiosity too strong to ignore any longer.

There was a brief pause before Rick's voice crackled through the earpiece, his tone sharp with irritation. "What the hell? Why would you ask such a random question out of nowhere in the middle of the mission?" he snapped, his frustration evident even through the crackling connection. "Is this one of those information dumps that authors usually do in the most inconvenient times? Well, it doesn't matter. Pay attention. The reason why some people aren't affected by the radiation is that their bodies have adapted to the environment. They don't get affected as much, which is why some cities and small towns don't necessarily have domes to keep out the radiation. And then there are the metahumans, unaffected by it. I don't know why; it's just what I know. Now, stop asking dumb questions and focus on the mission," he concluded brusquely.

"Thanks, bud," I muttered, chastened by his response but grateful for the insight.

As I glanced at Akari, her silence stood out amidst the tension of our conversation. Sensing her reticence, I decided to probe gently.

"What's on your mind?" I asked, curiosity mingling with concern in my tone.

"Nothing," she replied tersely, her eyes betraying a hint of something deeper lurking beneath the surface.

"You know you can talk to me if something is troubling you," I said, attempting to coax her into opening up.

She rolled her eyes, a gesture that seemed to convey both annoyance and resignation. "Fine... It's just a shame that this is the last time we are working together."

"I know. We had a good time, didn't we?" I replied, offering a warm smile in an attempt to lighten the mood.

Her response was a soft giggle before she posed her own question. "By the way, what are your plans after achieving your goal?"

"Hmm, I never thought about it that much. But on my island, I guess I'll start farming and take it easy on life. After all this shit I'm going through, I deserve to have a peaceful life," I said, the thought of tranquility seeming more enticing with each passing moment.

Then, as an afterthought, I added, "What about you? Got any major plans?"

She looked away, a hint of uncertainty clouding her expression. "I thought perhaps you could help me answer that question."

Recalling the promise I made to her when we first met, a surge of determination coursed through me. "Akari, I promised you that I would make you see how beautiful life can be and how much value it has in store for you. How much someone like you also deserves to live a happy and enjoyable life. And that promise is still in progress. So what I'm trying to say is, stay with me until I fulfill that promise," I said earnestly, the weight of my words punctuated by the sincerity in my voice.

She looked at me, a mixture of amazement and gratitude reflected in her eyes. Unable to contain her emotions, tears of joy welled up, her voice choked with emotion as she spoke. "I'll... stay with you until you fulfill the promise."

We then arrived at our destination, the coordinates leading us to a desolate house that stood ominously amidst the ruins. The Eye of Monox, as they called it, presumably lay within its walls.

As Akari led the way, the creaking door swung open to reveal the interior of the house, a scene of utter chaos and neglect

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As Akari led the way, the creaking door swung open to reveal the interior of the house, a scene of utter chaos and neglect. She hesitated for a moment before stepping inside, and I followed closely behind.

The moment we crossed the threshold, a sense of foreboding washed over me, intensified by the sudden chill that permeated the air. Instinctively, I gripped the handle of my gun, scanning our surroundings with heightened vigilance.

"Akari, I don't think we're alone," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the eerie silence of the house.

Before she could respond, a force I couldn't see yanked her away from me, her panicked screams echoing through the dilapidated halls as she disappeared into a nearby room, the door slamming shut behind her with a resounding thud.

Driven by a surge of adrenaline, I rushed towards the door, desperation fuelling my movements. But no matter how hard I pushed and pulled, it remained stubbornly sealed, trapping Akari on the other side.

As I frantically searched for a way to free her, random objects flew at me from all directions, crashing into walls and furniture with alarming force. Taking cover behind a nearby table, I braced myself against the onslaught, my mind racing with fear and confusion.

Amid the chaos, a chilling thought wormed its way into my mind. What if someone with unnatural abilities was behind this? Could it be a metahuman? The possibility sent a shiver down my spine, adding a new layer of urgency to our desperate situation.

To be continued...


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