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.  .  .

Create   a   username   and    join !

Username : _____

Password : _____

Taeyong swallowed the hard lump that started to form in his throat just by looking at this website. For some reason, it had a list of all the members right in the front of the web bio, which had a dark background with white words — almost like 'dark mode' on YouTube. But this was far from a large company like that... It was evident that whoever was the owner of this 'book club' did not have much experience with website building and designing, because everything looked so blocky and just ugly all-around.

When he clicked on the page, once again, he instantly got a warning with a ridiculous amount of spelling errors (clearly written by the host themselves) that said, "Make sure you have a VPN on your computer/laptop and stay safe! A lot of hackers like to troll us :(".

Taeyong snorted. Yeah thanks, he thought. That makes him feel so much better.

He almost wanted to call Johnny for emotional support but withheld himself since the boy had exams tomorrow and it was already one in the morning — perfect time to be naively scoping around on the dark web without any information or background with it whatsoever, right?

Taeyong pouted a little, his paranoia being set aflame. He told his inner voice to shut up before he did what the website asked and typed in a new username and password.

Username : blackbandaids

Password : ruby94

He clicked enter, and was immediately thrown into a chatroom. Taeyong jumped once hearing a little jingle sound and his user flash upon the screen at the top of the chatbar.

blackbandaids joined the chat!

Almost immediately someone started typing, and their user read 'snoopy'. He prayed that the people in this chatroom weren't weird or some creeps trying to slither their way into Taeyong's webcam or mics, because as Johnny told him a few months ago, it was a lot easier to do so than you'd think.

That same stupid ding sounded through Taeyong's headset once snoopy finished typing, and embarrassingly enough, he literally about fell out of his chair.

snoopy : hiiii :3 you are new?

Taeyong was about to exit out of the browser before snoopy wrote something else.

snoopy : your friend told us you'd be joining.

What the fuck, Johnny.

Taeyong grumbled underneath his breath, wondering if this was some prank again and Johnny was trying to force him into some weird cult worshipping Charlie Brown. He would definitely be the one to do that and Taeyong would be his first target since the younger was so frazzled about anything outside his own comfortable world. The dark web had to be the farthest thing from his tiny little bubble he built for himself.

Taeyong heaved out a breath of air and decided to type this person back or else he might get hacked, he didn't know.

blackbandaids : yeah, is he a member too?

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