Vader's Redemption

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As Luke sliced off his hand, Darth Vader whined in pain. Feeling dizzy, he fell down. If he had enough strength in his system to throw up from the pain, he would have done so, but as it was, he couldn't, and instead began to dry heave weakly into his ventilator.

His son had got so strong since Bespin. In a way, the way he attacked reminded Vader of how he himself used to overpower his opponents when he was younger. Wide, undisciplined, dark-side-enhanced powerful blows had allowed him to get the better of Dooku all those years ago. Now Luke had beaten him using the exact same technique. Clearly Luke took after him more than he wanted to admit. In a lot of ways, Vader thought to himself, he and Luke were not so different. They were both quick to anger. They both had strong protective feelings towards their friends. They both had a habit of overestimating themselves. They both had dark feelings that they refused to acknowledge.

Or did they? Even though he was borderline unconscious Vader could sense Luke and Palpatine talking. And Luke's feelings were... calm. Strangely calm. Especially considering the anger that had been coursing through his veins earlier. Vader found this strange before he remembered that he too used to switch emotions quickly when he was younger. Another way in which they were alike.

Vader was about to fall asleep - possibly for good - but all of a sudden he felt Palpatine's voice in his mind, harsh, cold, and cruel.

Vader, don't tell me that someone's knocked the life out of you. You are the Chosen One, yet a person who I didn't even know existed until a few hours ago has got you on the ground, barely conscious, on the brink of vomiting, and delirious. You are weak. Weak! shouted Palpatine, filled with rage.

This is merely a harsh reminder that I'm not as young as I used to be, Master, Vader responded. With all due respect-

Respect is not the way of the Sith, Palpatine hissed back. Get up, unless you want me to suck the life out of you right now!

Palpatine's words ignited the fight in Vader. He didn't want to die. He wanted to be with his son. Groaning, he forced himself to sit up. From there, pulling on the railing with his left hand, he tried to stand. However, he appeared to have overestimated his own strength. The second he began to stand, his legs spastically jerked and he fell down face-first, his helmet thankfully bearing the brunt of the fall. Even with his helmet protecting him, it jolted his head and threatened to plunge him into eternal unconsciousness once again.

Vader didn't need to look sideways to know that Palpatine was cackling cruelly. He could hear it, and the sound penetrated his mind as if Satan himself had showed up. Clearly, he took pleasure in watching Vader suffer.

And he was forcing Luke to watch.

"Look at what you have done to your father," Vader dimly heard Palpatine say. "You have shown your strength. Now take his place."

Luke, concerned for Vader, appeared unable to answer Palpatine. Vader could sense his presence in his mind, trying to give him strength. But it didn't work - or Vader was unconscious of the effect it had it did - as Vader fell twice more before he slumped on the floor, defeated. He felt humiliated hearing Palpatine laugh at him, and seeing Luke do nothing but watch really hurt - but there was nothing more he could do.

He was not in a good state. When Luke cut off his hand it had clearly damaged whatever nerves he had left, as he was completely unable to move his right arm. This, combined with the pain he was in, nearly blinded him, the vision out of his mask clouded and blurry. Vader wished for death to come and take him. He couldn't bear to live in agony a second longer -

Vader's thoughts were interrupted when he heard Luke finally respond to Palpatine. "Never. You've failed, your highness. I will never turn to the dark side. I'm a Jedi, like my father before me."

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