Roadkill... well, almost

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"We've got officers sweeping the neighborhood, in case anybody saw anything." The man tells Hank.

Hank nods. "Okay.Well, let me know if they turn anything up."

The man looks over at Connor and Y/n, who were both standing by the car, waiting for orders. "What are you gonna do with those?" He asks.

Hank stares blankly at them. "I have no idea..." he says and walks over to the android.

Connor then talks. "It took the first bus that came along... and stayed at the end of the line. Its decision wasn't planned. It was driven by fear." He says.

Hank scoffs with a smirk. "Androids don't feel fear."

Y/n then speaks. "Deviants do. They get overwhelmed by their emotions and make irrational decisions." She explains. Connor nodded.

Hank gives her a look. "Oh, god. Now the both of you are gonna talk my ears off." He sighs. "Well that still doesn't tell us where it went." He says.

Connor then thinks as he speaks. "It didn't have a plan, and it had nowhere to go. Maybe it didn't go far." He suggests.

Hank nods slightly. "Maybe..."

Connor turns to Y/n. "Let us take a look around." He says, Y/n nodded in agreement.

The two of them didn't have to search too far before they found a fence that was cut open. Connor finds traces of thirium on the fence.

He manages to get through the hole and then holds it wider for Y/n as she passes through after him. "Thank you." She says. Connor tilts his head slightly as she had never thanked him before, until now.

He ignores it though and turn towards the house. "Anybody home?" He calls out. "There's blue blood on the fence... I know another android was here." he says.

Y/n and Connor walk together towards the house, walking around to find the door.
Connor peeks between the boards of the boarded up window and sees an android.


The two walk towards the door. Connor places his hand on the handle before walking in, gesturing for Y/n to stay behind him.

The two come face to face with another android, standing shyly in the middle of the room, with a damaged face, likely after abuse.

Connor steps up to him. "I'm looking for an AX400. Have you seen it?" He asks.

The android shakes his head. "Ralph's seen nobody." He quickly says. Y/n scanned the suspicious android, it had been reported missing. It obviously had an error in its program, Y/n suspected deviancy, but stayed quiet to focus on the criminal deviant they had to catch instead.

Connor analyzed it as well before asking. "Are there any other androids here?"

The Ralph android seemed nervous. "Other androids...? No... Ralph is alone." He says.

Y/n steps forward, to try and do a softer approach. "Don't be afraid. We're not gonna hurt you."

Connor speaks. "There's blue blood on the fence. I know another android was here." He says.

The Ralph android quickly responded. "Ralph scratched himself coming through. That's Ralph's blood." He says.

Y/n speaks. "You wouldn't mind if we had a quick look around then?" She asks the android. The android seemed to grow more nervous. "No..." He replied.

A two for one deal (Connor x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now