◇◆◇ chapter 3 ◇◆◇

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10 years later

3rd person pov

Walking down the hallway , two certain people were conversating with each other about certain topics that would pop out from their brains ." remember in preschool, we swore not to use adult toothpaste even if we were adults because it was too spicy ? " shinsou said turning his head to you as his hand were in his pockets. " if I recall properly it was spicy to you " the h/c haired said poking his face . " and you used to be such a wimp as a kid you couldn't even eat a single bit of spice " y/n joked , chuckling as she thought of the memory.

" I wasn't that bad , i was 5 " shinsou muttered in annoyance and embarrassment. " and so was I " y/n replied with a huff. Both of them were met with a minute silence till they both erupted in laughter .

" so where are you going to go for high school ? " shinsou asked, adjusting his school bag . " hmm i don't know maybe U.A ? " y/n exclaimed, still thinking . " I'm trying for U.A as well , do you think I could get in the hero course? " the purple haired boy asked , playing with the strap of his bag .

" not with that body of a wimp at least but with your brains you could get in , so 50/50." Y/n said as she punched his shoulder
" wow way to ruin my confidence " the purple haired boy said sarcastically, rolling his eyes .

" sir am I wrong ? " she asked sounding annoyed . " ...." shinsou had nothing to say as you were indeed correct, he had the brains but when it came to combat he wasn't the best for it .

Thinking, he had an idea of how he was gonna improve his combat skills . " teach me " he said with determination , looking at you .
" what- " because what he said had caught you by surprise, you ended up tripping resulting to you falling down.

" woah you good ? " shinsou asked as helped her up ". Yeah , um what were you saying just now " y/n said ,facing the wrong way again. " I want you to train me for hand to hand combat" the purple haired boy said , turning the h/c girl to face him .

" are you sure ? , I should warn you my methods are a bit ... extreme " y/n said sounding a bit unsure. " very sure , I wanna at
Least know the basics " shinsou said looking straight ahead with a determined face .

Y/n though for a while, slight hesitation shown on her face . Was it a good idea for shinsou to learn and train under her ? But after a minute of thinking she gave in . " alright ill train ya but don't come crying when you can't move or anything " she said sounding serious. " yes ! I won't let you down " shinsou said with happiness and determination in his voice .

"Great cuz we're gonna begin tomorrow, the entrance exam is in 6 months so let's get traing " y/n exclaimed with a smirk punching his shoulder.

The next day

Y/n was training shinsou on hand to hand combat , Both in simple attires being tank top and sweat pants . Y/n was teaching shinsou how to give a hard punch , kick , how to do a headlock properly and many more combat moves . " now lift your leg like this , make sure it's above the stomach and if you want to kick the jaw lift your leg higher and twist your body a bit like this " y/n continued to instruct shinsou , adjusting him when necessary and giving him tips on how to stay balanced or how to escape and dodge attacks and blows

She then proceeded to make him do work outs like push ups , weight lifting , pull ups , crunches, running laps around a park and way more . Poor shinsou almost fainted but the fire inside him that was fuelled with determination stopped him from doing so .

Y/n aslo helped him in other things . other than helping with his strength , reaction time and speed , she also helped him on his flexibility . Which wasn't really much of a problem as shinsou was quite flexible at a very young age but he would still struggle on some things , like doing a split , back bend and some more .

At the end of the day , the purple haired boy was lying down on the ground sweating and exhausted from all that work out but it was worth it . They continued like that for 6 months occasionally taking breaks as they did so .

months of training had got shinsou all bulked up , his muscles had gotten bigger and stronger and he even trained his quirk during those 6 months, learning how to give out trick questions to the victim to answer just to be under his brainwashing.

A day before the entrance exam, y/n and shinsou were resting in a park with talking about basically anything. " Do you think I'll get in ? " shinsou asked looking at y/n , " of course you will, you've trained and improved so much if U.A doesn't accept you they're idiots " the h/c haired girl say with a huff . " heh thanks .. for training me and all I really appreciate it, like I said before I won't let you down " He said with hope lacing his voice. " you better not shinsou , I didn't train my but with and for you for nothing ya know " y/n said , punching the purple haired boys shoulder.

A/n : hiii sorry for not updating I've been busy , also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 90 READS LIKE WTF !!! THATS THE ALOT , REALLY APPRECIATE IT GUYS .
Would still like it if you guys comment your thoughts on my book , it would brighten my day .
Also I might not be online for a while , got some shit going on.

I'm also making and working on 2 more books
1st one being abt me and my best friends high school drama life
And 2nd being a jjk story [sukuna x reader] that me and my friend are working on .

I'll see you guys soon also once again thank you for reading and make sure to vote , don't be shy 😘

Ima head out byee

Ima head out byee

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