Chapter 8

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"Anyone who is related to Cain, or who Petra deems not allowed to see the end of this episode will be sent away for the duration," said TOAA.

"What why?" asked Tony.

"Oh wait I remember this moment," said Petra as she got a huge blush on her face.

"What's gonna happen here Petra?" asked Toni.

"Uh, I'll just let you see it," said Petra then she got an evil smirk.

"Send all the men away, send my daughter to her room, she's too young to witness this," said Petra.

"Mom I'm eighteen," said Roxy.

"I don't need you seeing exactly how you might have been conceived," said Petra.

"How do you know this is when it was?" asked Bryce.

"I don't, Cain and I did it so often at least once a day after he got back her conception could have happened anytime in the last year of him being back," said Petra.

"Do you two use protection at all?" asked Peter.

"Not at all, Cain and I like it bareback too much, besides if Zarathos and Anansi don't think we're ready to have children, they won't let us have children," said Petra.

"She's right, in fact I might be the only child of Petra and Cain, because Zarathos and Anansi only have one confirmed child, so it's unlikely I'll have any other siblings, or at least ones who are like me," said Roxy.

"Plus dad can always impregnate his other lovers, mom even said I believe, Cain Blaze you are never putting another baby in me, one was enough of a nightmare to push out," said Roxy imitating her mother.

"But MJ and Felica were quick to volunteer their services to give me baby brothers and sisters so I'm not alone," said Roxy.

"What'd you me by like you?" asked Strange.

"Connected to the web of life, and the flame of creation, I'm both a weaver, and a Lord of Cinder," said Roxy.

"Now let's get started," said TOAA.

Cains motorcycle pulled up to the apartment the superhero couple shared, and the pair went up to the apartment, they sat together on the couch, "so what'd you want to talk about?" Petra asked.

"If we're in a relationship, you deserve to know the truth about me, I don't know how best to explain it, so, let me show you," said Cain as he put his hands on Petras head and shared his memories with her, all of them.

"You're not my Cain, and a version of me, betrayed you like that, how can you look at me, and how can you still care about me?" asked Petra.

"Peter Parker was my best friend, he was my partner, he betrayed me, it hurt, but, I also have the memories my other self had of you, all the love he held for you, I feel it as well, I refuse to see you and Peter as the same person, what he did to me shouldn't affect the memories I have of you and my other self," said Cain.

"I don't deserve him," said Petra.

"Damn right you don't, none of you do, he's too good for your world," said Carol.

"I think you have it confused Danvers, he's too good for your world," said Toni.

"Sorry to have kissed you like that, I was surprised and happy to see you again," said Petra.

"Yeah I think that be called assault," said She-Hulk as she got up.

"You'd need Cain to testify Jen, and I think he'd sooner say it was consensual than let you send Petra to prison on false charges," said Bryce as she stood in front of Petra.

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