- [ CHRYS X READER ] - 🔥&☁️

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--- Hey guys, did you guys know I love Chrys ( And my bbg Quill ) HAHEHAEHAHEA ---
--- Too lazy for the thumbnail again help ---

--- It's not paper school btw it's Golden Flower School :Swag: ---

--- Credits to ZiezeeQ for the art!! ---

--- I think I MIGHT exceed 1000+ word count broskis ---


~ [ My Knight! ] ~


--- Credits to ZiezeeQ for the art!! ------ I think I MIGHT exceed 1000+ word count broskis ---------------------------------------------~ [ My Knight! ] ~------------------------------------------

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It's yet another day of school, it's a pain in the ass but you have no other option. At least you aren't in that ass school that you had before. Many, and I mean many students died in that shitty school, you were very glad that you changed schools after that. You still felt bad for leaving the school because you did make some friends there, they did understand and you still had connection with them!

After walking to school, not that far away from your house, you are now in front of the school. You took a deep breathe before pushing the entrance door and entering in. A few eyes looked at you when you entered but you didn't really mind, just a tad bit uncomfortable or uneasy. You just went to your lockers after you entered, you unpacked your bag full of notebooks and stuffed some that are not gonna be used for your class.

You grabbed the notebook for the class that you were gonna have just now after you unpacked your bag. Your first class was Drama Class, you didn't like to act much but you do know a specific someone who really likes to act and is actually good at it. You headed to that class and opened the door. Everyone was still talking and you see one spot that isn't claimed by anyone. You had to sit next to Chrys! You could've sworn that he used to have a friend sitting next to him like yesterday.

Does he literally just eat them after he is friends with them or something? You were kind of nervous to sit next to him but you really had no choice. After you sat down next to him, he does notice you. He does a little wave which made you look at him, he starts to yap about how he likes gold a lot and how he is very good at acting and blah blah blah. You put your cheek on your palm while listening to him rant about stuff he likes and stuff he hates. Although you didn't get some parts of his ranting, you still listened and well until the teacher came in the class.

The teacher started to teach some stuff about how acting goes and how it can represent each feeling or emotion. After the teacher taught about how to act with such emotion and expression, he started to give out the assigned roles for the chosen students and you were chosen! Your role for the play was a Knight, you were glad you weren't a royalty or anything like that. And of course, Chrys gets the role as the Prince.

He always likes to play as the Prince, you remember that one time where his role was a princess and he said 'I'm a pretty princess!' in front of the audience. You had a hard time holding in your laughter that time, so after that play was done you couldn't hold in your laughter and bursted out laughing. You didn't expect to be the Knight in the play and the plot twist was that the Prince fell in love with the Knight. Your eyes widened and you probably had to look away from Chrys for the time being because you know he would be all smug about it when he looks at you.

Some students were frowning because of the roles they got, some are happy with the roles they have. But you have mixed emotions with your role, you do not know how to feel about but I guess you have to go with the flow. After class ended you got your notebook and stood up from your seat with Chrys following along. And so you went to the cafeteria after you went out of class and ate there, with Chrys being at the other side, glaring at you from time to time while a little smirk.





After eating your snacks, you went to the school stage to practice. Chrys was feeling confident but as for you, you were nervous as fuck. And then you and Chrys kissed, the end! Sike, but you were at the back of the stage trying to put on the armor so that you could represent as a Knight. Chrys already looked like a prince so he still has his usual clothing. You had to wear a chest, shoulder, leg, boot armor just to make it look like you are an actual Knight. And yes it was annoying to wear because of how many you had to wear.

Now, all you have to do was wait for your part in the practice. Chrys went to your back and spooked you, making you jump while he chuckled at your reaction. You sort of scolded him for it, but he didn't really care. Now it was Chrys' part of the practice, he went in front of the stage and acted, he was actually good at it. But after a little you just spaced out, and well not until someone tapped your shoulder and told you to go in front of the stage.

This is the part where you had to kneel and say your line to the Prince, or Chrys. You could feel his smirk even if you bowed your head down. He grabbed your chin and made you look up, making you look at his smirky face. He really likes how you would look up at him, but you thought it was apart of the play so you just played along with it. You did blush a little due to how he grabbed your chin and made you look up to him, but it did slowly fade after a little.

After that part of the play, you had to act like you are protecting the Prince from a witch and a dragon which is where the love came from, after those play you took off your helmet and sighed in relief that you finished that play. For now you can rest, as well as Chrys who played as the Prince. He wanted to do something devious and he pulled on your chest armor piece which made your head go onto his lap. You blushed again and you stood up once again, damn that flirt. Now, time for the plot twist of the play. You put your helmet back on and went onto the stage but with some of the students of course.

The Prince had to pick whoever is perfect for him in his kingdom, the plot twist is that the Prince chose the Knight, you are the Knight. You did your part and you acted shocked, you could do better with your acting but it was practice anyway. The Prince had to somehow 'kiss' the Knight, Chrys had an idea and he pulled your chest armor piece again, lifted your helmet and then made his lips go to your cheek instead. You blushed a lot this time, and you were pretty much flustered after that, the curtains of the stage closes.





After the play, it went back to normal, though you had to literally get rid of the armor piece that you had to wear. You could not get the thought out of your head on why Chrys did that, and it would still make you blush a little just thinking about it. After you got rid of the armor piece that you were wearing for the play and put it back where you last got it. You went out of the class stage and you saw Chrys beside the door, how long has he been standing there for?

"Oh, hey. Don't think much about that 'kiss' there, it was just for the play. Other than that, you actually look really good with the armor on."

He said looking at you with a little smug. You thank him for the compliment with a faint blush on your face.

"I'm guessing you liked that 'kiss', huh?"

You shook your head in denial with a flustered face, he only giggled at your reaction. Although you have these types of reaction, he couldn't the thought of you protecting him from all things and it made him smile. He likes you already, you're his knight now. And he loves it very much.



- [ Word Count : 1385! ] -

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