Rising Strong: The Legacy of Capricorn

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In the mountain's shadow, silent and strong,
Capricorn stands, steadfast and long.
With patience carved from ancient stone,
Capricorn walks, on paths unknown.

Ambition's flame, a steady burn,
In Capricorn's heart, lessons learned.
With diligence and tireless might,
Capricorn climbs, towards the light.

A master planner, a strategist keen,
Capricorn builds, a future unseen.
With wisdom born of trials endured,
Capricorn's legacy, forever assured.

In the winter's grasp, resilience thrives,
Capricorn's spirit, alive and wise.
With discipline as its guiding star,
Capricorn journeys, near and far.

Through storms and challenges, Capricorn strides,
In every step, determination abides.
With loyalty true, and honor bright,
Capricorn shines, a beacon of light.

So in the cosmic dance of time,
Capricorn's essence, strong and prime.
A leader born, a mountain climbed,
Capricorn's legacy, for all time.

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