Echoes of a Broken Heart

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In the quiet hours of twilight,
When shadows whisper soft and low,
The echoes of a broken heart
Resound, where dreams refuse to go.

Fragments of a love once whole,
Scatter like the autumn leaves,
Each memory, a tender wound,
That in the silence softly grieves.

I walk through halls of yesterdays,
Where laughter's ghost still gently clings,
And every corner, every room,
A song of love remembered sings.

Your touch, a fleeting whisper now,
Your smile, a fading distant star,
Yet in the darkness of my soul,
I feel your presence from afar.

The nights are long, the days are cold,
Without the warmth of your embrace,
And though the world moves on and on,
My heart remains in that same place.

Time, they say, will heal all wounds,
But some scars never truly fade,
For in the depths of longing's sigh,
The pain of loss is ever laid.

I find your scent in every breeze,
Your voice in every whispered sound,
Your laughter in the falling rain,
Your footsteps in the solid ground.

Each dawn breaks with a promise new,
Yet carries still the weight of past,
And every sunset, painted gold,
Reminds me of a love that lasts.

In dreams you visit, tenderly,
A specter of my yearning heart,
And though I wake to emptiness,
In sleep, we're never far apart.

I trace the lines of memories,
With fingers worn from grasping air,
And in the mirror of my soul,
Your image lingers, always there.

We built a world with whispered vows,
A kingdom crafted from our dreams,
Yet now that world is but a ghost,
A river dried of all its streams.

The photographs, the letters penned,
Are relics of a sacred time,
When love was more than just a word,
But reason, rhythm, song, and rhyme.

In every star that lights the sky,
In every moonlit, silent night,
I find the remnants of our love,
A beacon in the endless night.

So here I stand, alone yet whole,
A heart that's broken, still beats true,
For every tear and every smile,
Are echoes of the love we knew.

And though you're gone, and time moves on,
Your love's a part of who I've grown,
For in the echoes of my heart,
Your memory is never alone.

The years may come, the years may go,
New loves may bloom and fade away,
But in the garden of my soul,
Your spirit evermore will stay.

In whispered winds and silent waves,
In every breath and every sigh,
The echoes of our love remain,
A timeless, never-ending cry.

So let the world keep turning round,
Let time flow like a river's course,
For in my heart, you'll always be,
My love, my loss, my guiding force.

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