Wings of Freedom

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In the quiet dawn, where dreams take flight,
A heart awakens, chasing light.
No chains to bind, no fears to cage,
A spirit soars beyond life's stage.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,
With every step, a clearer sky.
A journey born of hope and grace,
Unveils the strength within this space.

Each breath a promise, each day a chance,
To break free from the binding dance.
With wings unfurled, embracing the breeze,
A soul ascends, finds inner peace.

No longer tethered by doubt's embrace,
It moves with purpose, at its own pace.
In the vast expanse where freedom sings,
A heart discovers what true joy brings.

So let the winds of change now guide,
On paths where love and truth reside.
For in this flight, a life renewed,
The journey of the self pursued.

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