Unseen Scars

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In the quiet of the night, when shadows softly creep, 
Lie the scars unseen by eyes, in hearts that silently weep. 
No bandages can bind them, no ointment can they feel, 
These wounds of the soul, hidden, but achingly real.

Each scar tells a story, of battles fought within, 
Of trust betrayed, of love lost, of the silent cries of sin. 
They map a path of heartache, of journeys through despair, 
Unseen by the world outside, yet painfully laid bare.

In laughter’s fleeting echo, in smiles that fail to reach, 
Lies the hidden narrative, the lessons life does teach. 
These scars shape who we are, they mold our inner core, 
A testament to endurance, to wounds that came before.

But in the dark’s embrace, beneath the silent stars, 
Hope whispers softly, healing these unseen scars. 
For though they may not vanish, their pain may slowly wane, 
Leaving strength and wisdom, grown from endured pain.

So we carry on, with hearts that bear the marks, 
Of battles won in silence, of nights endured in dark. 
For every unseen scar is proof that we survive, 
That despite the deepest wounds, we find a way to thrive.

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