Chapter 4

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Since after lunch they only had one class left, Yejun told the professor about Eunho's condition and she was so understanding and allowed them to be at the infirmary and also gave them attendance. Yejun also went to Mr. Kang to talk about Eunho being unable to do his extra assignment today and as rude as he is, he was considerate and postponed it to tomorrow.

Yejun then also messaged his other two friends who were worried sick about Eunho and explained the situation to them. Once all settled, he went back to the infirmary where Eunho was resting. He smiled when he saw Eunho was now wide awake. He looked so cute while staring at the ceiling.

"Yejun" Eunho saw his best friend and sat properly. Yejun offered him water and Eunho finished it in one gulp, he was very thirsty. "How am I here?" Eunho questioned.

"I brought you here since you fainted in the locker room. I thought after such an exhausting day it would be better you rest for a while and don't worry I talked to Ms. Sohee and she was so understanding and gave us attendance as well and Mr. Kang also said you can complete your work tomorrow instead of today" He told him, holding his hand caressing it with his thumb.

Eunho gratefully smiled at him. Then Yejun asked what happened earlier so Eunho told about seeing Gyuwook and his indirect threat. Yejun got so furious at that, his nostrils flaring and jaw tensing. "That fucking bastard. Even after a restraining order from the court, he had the audacity to threaten you. He didn't learn, asshole! If I ever see him- I will- I will-" Yejun fisted his hand, gritting his teeth in anger.

Eunho held his small fists and opened them, caressing his palm with his fingers. "Don't worry... He didn't do anything and I am sure he won't even do. If he wants to go for tournaments, then he has to have his records clean- he won't be able to afford to get his reputation dirty. I just panicked because I saw him after so long and I was alone but I will be with you all always so I am sure he will never dare to pull that stunt again" Eunho reassuredly smiled.

Yejun sighed and nodded his head, his anger shedding. Once the nurse checked on Eunho, they both left the infirmary. They had their bags so didn't need to go back to the classroom. However, they had to wait for Insoo and Yeonseok as they promised to have lunch together.

Once they came, they bombarded Eunho with questions and once they got to know about Gyuwook, they were also angry. "The restraining order is still in force. You could complain that he came near to you" Insoo suggested when they were walking towards the restaurant.

"I know... but it's ok. He didn't harm me and I think I also let myself get scared from him again. I should have been stronger to face him and not react like I did but it was just... I am sorry" Eunho didn't know why he was apologising. He promised not to get weak in front of his bully again and today he had a panic attack just by his presence.

"Why are you being sorry? Don't be. It was not your fault. Anyway, we reached our restaurant. Let's eat and forget all the bitter things" Yejun squealed with little jumps at the thought of food and then the four friends went inside.

They ordered their favourite food, had fun and even danced on the stage. The restaurant is famous for playing bands and letting their customers dance, so the four friends made full use of it and danced till their hearts desired.

When they were contented, they bid each other farewell and went towards their home. Yejun and Eunho live nearby so Yejun offered to drop Eunho at home as he was still shaken up because of today's event and Eunho let him do so.

His mom opened the door and both entered his house and sat on the sofa. His mother asked how the day went and both hesitated to tell her about the panic attack as they thought she would get worried, which she did, but they had to tell so they narrated what happened. The colour on Taehee's face got drained once she heard that. Her arms immediately going to hug her son.

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