Pt 18

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I wake up to the sound of allarm. Right, it's the first day of university. It will be great. I hope so. I'm meeting Yuna aswell. I get up and wake Yeonjun up. We both freshen up an go downstairs.

"Goodmorning mom and dad", we both greet and rush to the table. We eat in a fast speed and run to the car parked outside cause we are a bit late. 20 mins till universty starts and it takes 5mins to reach it. We also had to pick Beomgyu and Soobin so 10mins exact.

"Hey guys", Soobin greets as he sits down in the passenger seat. Such a passenger princess he is.

"Hello people! In your prince Beomgyu", Beomgyu says whole sitting down beside me. I roll my eyes and he smacks my arm.

"Cmon. Am I not a handsome prince?", He asks me while Soobin and Yeonjun converse between themselves.

"You are handsome but you're not a prince", I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever. You're looking pretty btw. Who you tryna impress?", He asks and I shake my head.

"Thanks for the compliment but I'm not trying to impress anyone. Just tryna look presentable", I answer and he chuckles.

"If this is you looking presentable then idk how good you will look when you're actually trying to impress", Beomgyu says and I look outside the window feeling my cheeks heat up. How is he so good with words?

"Get ready to be asked out Beomgyu", Yeonjun suddenly says and i frown. What?

"The welcome party requires the people to have partners and well Beomgyu will get asked by alot of people. No one asks me and Yeonjun because they know we both are a couple. Beomgyu is single so yeah", Soobin explains and I just make an 'oh' sound.

Should I ask him out? He will say no? Maybe. Who will I go with? Well, guess I have to wait to know the answer. We soon reach the uni and are met by shouts as soon as we exit the car. I know these three are famous but wth. Girls are going crazy. How come Beomgyu still doesn't have a girlfriend? Every girl wants him. Good for me ig.

"Omg who is that pretty girl?", I hear a guy say and I quickly understand he's referring to me. I have always been popular for good or bad reasons. Hehe.

"This is my sister Jiwon", Yeonjun introduces me to everyone and I just smile. This is weird cause some girls were glaring at me before and now looking at me like I'm a gem. I understand their intentions. Typical girls. Whatever.

"I'll help you find your locker", Beomgyu says taking my hand and dragging me away from the crowd. I just nod and we both head towards lockers. Our lockers were a bit away but who cares. We put our things inside and take our first lesson book out.

"Ill accompany you to your first class", he says and I hum. I was too distracted by us holding hands. I didn't care if girls were passing me looks. All I could think of was the warm feeling I was getting. So different form what I felt for Jake.




Hello my lovely readers! Hope you enjoyed this part. It's Smol but well. I'm quite busy but I'll try to post often. Thank you for reading till here. Bye! 💖

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