Pt 27

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"Your voice betrayed you", he whispers in my ear and leans in more. Our nose touching. I feel the heat rise to my face as I hold my breath in. This man is gonna be the reason I die one day.

"You look like a tomato rn", he says laughing and holding his stomach. What? Do I look very funny to him? I glare at him and he gets all serious. He looks into my eyes and suddenly I feel like this happened before. I'm getting deja vu'. And then it all comes to me. The night I got drunk.

We kissed

"Oh shit. I'm so sorry. GOSH I MESSED UP", I had heard him say before I passed out that night. He regretted kissing me. He was only tempted. No feelings. I seddenly push Beomgyu away from me who frowns at my sudden change of behaviour. I pass him an angry glare and then exit from the locker and head to the washroom. He follows me form behind.

"Hey. What did I do? Why you look so angry?", He asks but I ignore him and enter the washroom. I collapse on the floor as soon as I enter.

He regretted it. Ofcourse he did. He doesn't like me. I would regret aswell if I were to make out with my brother.

He regrets it

I let those words sink in as my tears start falling. I hear the door open and I see Yuna enter. She notices me and runs to me hugging me.

"Omg what happened. Won. Why are you crying?", she asks and I tell her everything. She listens attentively.

"GOD HE IS SUCH A COWARD", She suddenly shouts angrily and I start wiping my tears. I have to attend two more classes before the day is over.

"Go back home won. You aren't in a good condition", she says and I shake my head but she glares at me.

"I said go back home", she says strictly this time and I can't help but nod. She smiles satisfied and then calls someone.

"My driver will drop you won. I'll tell Yeonjun so don't worry. Go back home and rest okay", she says and I get up.

"Thank you so much Yuna", I say and she chuckles.

"That's what bestfriends are for won", she says and I nod.

She sees me out and I head back home with her driver. I head inside and look around. Mom and dad aren't at home. They must be at the company. Busy people. I chuckle at the thought. I'm so crazy. I have officially lost my mind. I head upstairs and enter my separate room that I have.




Hello my lovely readers! Thank you for reading till here. Bye! 💖

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