14. grand finale

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chapter fourteen: grand finale

[a/n]: this is the last chapter before the second act, which i'm currently working on. enjoy!

━━━ "HALEY, COME HERE A SECOND." Frankie Bowen, the senior editor of the Plainview High Tribune, beckons Haley over with a gesture of her finger. It's late after school on Friday, and the newspaper room is empty except for the two of them, seeing as all of the other writers have filed out.

"Yeah?" Haley can't help but let an edge of anxiety creep into her voice. She's been doing good work lately, so the odds that she's being kicked off are pretty low. But Frankie's stern voice and inscrutable spectacled eyes make it difficult to be anything but jittery.

"I apologize for this being so last minute," Frankie begins, taking off her thick-rimmed glasses, rubbing her eyes like a weathered old man desperately in need of a pot of coffee. That is basically Frankie's entire demeanor. "But I need someone to do a short piece on the talent show tonight."

"Tonight?" Haley parrots, blinking incredulously. Haley is not opposed to taking on more work, but she'd been aiming to relax and sort of enjoy the show rather than being glued to a piece paper for every performance.

"Yes, tonight. A review, of sorts. Like I said, I know this is last minute, and I feel bad for springing it on you, so you don't have to take it if you don't want to," Frankie replies, in a way that suggests bad things will happen to Haley if she does, in fact, reject the task. "But you are one of our most talented writers, so it would be fantastic if you could."

Haley knows what Frankie is doing, praising her like this. Frankie is a master manipulator in that way; skilled at getting the information and responses she wants. Perhaps that makes her the journalist she is. Haley can't help but slump and give in to Frankie's clever tactics. "Yeah, sure I'll do it. I was going to head there this evening anyway."

"Great! Send your piece to me before Sunday and I'll do some quick editing," Frankie nearly squeals, drumming her fingertips together. "You're the best, Haley."

━━━ HALEY MEETS OLIVE AT THE front of the large theater, dodging the bustling crowd full of families, walking over the ticket-stub-littered concrete. The street is lined with elm trees with string lights wrapped around their trunks. The sidewalks are dotted with cars, and the air smells of the late spring blossoms. The approaching summer warmth seeps into the breeze with light, soothing whispers, brushing past her hair and skin.

Alex's hand is clutched tightly in Haley's before she wrenches it away and mutters something about her maturity and independence.

The cinema lights illuminate the area along with the golden street lamps. Haley tucks her ballpoint pen and notepad into her purse and waves to Olive.

"Hey, Buxbaum! Are you ready to watch this shitshow?" Olive asks, tossing her arm around Haley's shoulder and leading them into the theater.

"Cool it with the cursing around my sister," Haley scolds, casting a downward glance to the young girl nervously.

"Chill, Haley, I probably know more swears than you," Alex mutters, adjusting the sleeves of her coat.

"Anyway, I am totally excited for this," Haley answers Olive giddily, chiding her younger sister with a disapproving glare. "But I can't call it a shitshow. I've got to write a piece for the school newspaper before Sunday. Frankie told me about the assignment a couple of hours ago."

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐀𝐆, rodrick heffleyWhere stories live. Discover now