"I want you to hurt me."



I did not want to be a Princess.

The constant thought rang thorough me, sighing at the cluster of men who kept glancing at me. I looked at Safiya, my maid, who was busy rating princes and Royals on their looks while my two personal guards stood two steps behind me. They followed me everywhere I went, except my room. They were ordered by my brothers, Zain and Khalid, the Sultan and Prince of Azmia, for my protection.

It's not that I hated being a Princess. There were perks, but the cons of being one outweighed the pros.

I hated being looked at as some kind of conquest. The way the hungry eyes of men from noble families looked at me, their sons, sheikhs and princes eyeing me like I am just an object waiting to be sold to the highest bidder.

"I want to get out of here," I mumbled, sipping on the bubbly champagne. My stomach and back itched from the tight fabric of the lace corset dress. Safiya had cinched it too tightly to show some cleavage, despite how small my breasts were. No doubt the dress was beautiful and perfect for a Princess with a heavy skirt, but at that moment, it annoyed me because I wanted to rip it off and scratch my back.

"But it's your birthday party, Princess Zara," Safiya frowned, her brown eyes blinking at me. "Don't you want to have dinner, eat spicy food, cake and open the expensive presents all these people have gifted you?"

Her eyes were shining like stars, in awe at the corner of the Court Room where a pile—no, a mountain of presents with big boxes wrapped in pretty, shiny gift papers were kept together. I scoffed, seeing royal security in their suits guarding the presents.

I dreaded the moment I would have to open them and accept the luxurious clothes, dresses, blouses, that would be released in next year's fashion show, tailor made by the designer with gold jewellery, personalised for me, Zara Al Latif, the Princess of Azmia.

My eyes flickered to my eldest brother, Zain, sitting on the throne where father used to sit before that night. I rubbed my wrists, glad to see the pale skin soft without any marks. Khalid prowled towards him with a glass in his hand, smirking and taunting him while Zain glared at him playfully.

Their happiness mattered to me more than anything. They had saved me from a monster and it had tainted them to their soul. Saving me had made them afraid of their past, so much so that Zain didn't want to get married.

I could see the irritation behind his obsidian eyes, the same way the constant staring and attention irritated me from the royals in the crowd. Khalid didn't mind. He and Zayed, Sheikh of Azmia, his close friend, liked the attention.

"Found anyone yet?" I asked Zain, saving him from the batting lashes and flirting, lacing my arm around his elbow and walking with him on the marble floor designed in beautiful, tangled patterns.

Even though it was my nineteenth birthday party and New Year's Eve celebration, we held the for Zain so he can find a suitable bride and the future Sultana of Azmia. If I had to describe his preferences after living with him under the same roof for nineteen years, I would say he was a rock. He didn't like women or men or any other genders. I had never seen him flirting and if I did, it would be a miracle.

Meanwhile, Khalid had different women in his room most of the time. I had learned my lesson to always knock and enter after seeing two of his conquests sprawled naked on his bed, kissing and doing other stuff while he was, thankfully, in the shower. I may or may not have run to the library and looked for some books that mentioned two women or three people in the act of intimacy.

Tempting Rebel Princess 18+ A Steamy Navy Seal and Secret Princess Royal RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now