
Her hazel eyes widened, her fingers fumbling with the straps and the zipper. Her nervousness was a physical living thing in the room, especially since she had seen my uniform. When other women noticed that or my military pendant, they wanted to climb me on the spot.

But not Zara. She had frozen as if sleeping with a Navy Seal Officer was the last thing she wanted.

I wanted to know why. I would have thought she was a spy if it wasn't for her nervousness and the honesty and sincerity behind her words. No, she couldn't be a spy even if she tried. She was sweet and innocent.

And I wanted to taint her.

"Come here." I pulled her onto my lap, claiming her full lips and lowering the zipper of her dress. I groaned in her mouth at the feel of her warm skin, moving my palm lower on her back and removing the straps of her dress.

Her hips rocked as if her body was excited for what was coming next. I tried to calm myself down, but Zara must have felt the bulge and gasped, trying to grind on it.

I let her play with me, her fingers in my hair, soft hands sliding from my neck to clutch my shoulder. Her expression was of pure lust and innocence. She wanted more, but needed my help.

Poor thing.

"Need my help, Princess?"

She nodded, releasing her bottom lip from her teeth. "Please."

"Such a needy slut, hm?" I whispered, noting her reaction to my words. Her eyes widened, her thighs clenching as she stared at me with parted lips.

I caressed her waist, her expensive dress rumpled on her body. "How did you feel about that, Zara?"


"Being called a slut, Princess," I said, enjoying the way she gasped when I pulled her on top of my hardened member, moving her hips with my hands. I felt her wet underwear on my pants, my fingers digging into her skin.

Zara murmured something, and I didn't hear it.

"Say it louder, Princess. Yes or no?"

Her cheeks, nose and ears were flushed, but she covered her face with her hands, making me stop my movements and smile at her. She was so fucking adorable.

"I liked it," she whispered, her voice muffled.

I gently pried her hands away. "There's nothing wrong about enjoying being called names during intimate moments. Some like being called sweet things and some like—"

"Degrading things?"

I stroked her cheekbone. "You can tell me to stop, Princess, and I will."

Zara closed her eyes, and I let her think about it, caressing her cheeks and her body. With a deep breath, she opened her eyes and said, "I want to try it."

I smiled, giving her a small kiss on her lips. "That's my good girl."

Her cheeks flushed, and she started rocking her hips on me, her eyes getting heavy lidded. Fucking hell. I was getting harder and harder by the minutes, watching her move over me, rubbing herself shamelessly on my bulge.

Holding the hem of her dress, I tugged it upwards, removing it. I swore at the sight of her naked body, her dark waves falling around her as her cheeks turned ten shades redder. I moved her hair back to look at her. Her perky breasts heaving up and down, her pink nipples poking towards me. I ran my hand down her flat stomach, watching her suck in a sharp breath towards the small white lace covering her pussy.

Tempting Rebel Princess 18+ A Steamy Navy Seal and Secret Princess Royal RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now