
I swirled the auburn liquid in the glass, loud pop music blasting from the speakers as people's laughter echoed in the background. The cute bartender with glasses slid a tissue paper towards me, her baby blue eyes gazing at my face as I took a long gulp of the alcohol, relishing in the burning sensation it left in my throat.

"Are you visiting for the first time?" She asked, her voice and accent thick, just like others I had met in Azmia.

"First time on the land," I replied, trailing my finger around the rim of the glass, eyeing her curvy figure and looking at the crowd partying on the stage.

I had almost travelled all the countries because of my job but I had never seen a celebration of a New Year's Eve like this. Fireworks were going off outside. Everyone was dressed for some type of occasion, and the entire capital was decorated with expensive orchids.

"Why is there so much celebration?" I asked the bartender over the music after she strutted towards me in her high boots after serving shots to the loud group of men.

She wiped the marble counter in a way that showed off her cleavage, her eyes gleaming with emotion I knew too well.

She wanted to fuck me.

I gave her a small smirk and tugged at the cuffs of my shirt, letting her entertain me and I might just take her up for a quickie.

"It's for the Princess's birthday," she said. "She is turning nineteen tomorrow, so the Sultan and Prince have invited royals from all over the continent to celebrate."

"Good for her," I scoffed, emptying the glass of whiskey and licking my lips. "So much for a nineteenth birthday." I shook my head, remembering how I had celebrated my nineteenth birthday almost a decade ago. Just one beer passed around me and my troop in a camp outside the border of Baghdad in Iraq.

She continued with a smile on her face. "Sultan Zain personally donated a lot of food, clothes and gold to everyone who earned minimum wage. Rumours say that Princess was with him, but no one knows for sure."

I tilted my head at her, frowning at her sentence.

"No one except the royals knows what she looks like. She is the daughter of late Sultan's second wife, half-sister to both Sultan and Prince, but they treat her like their own blood. Her mother was English, so the few people who have seen her know she has skin as pale as the moon and during one event, a royal was threatened to have his eyes removed by Prince Khalid because he looked at the Princess the wrong way."

My brows raised at the threat. I had a little sister too, but I wouldn't go around threatening to remove someone's eyeballs if they stared at her for too long.

It seemed like her protective brothers spoiled and coddled the Princess.

The bartender continued, leaning in, "Some say that she is too ugly to be a Princess so they have kept her hidden while others say that she might have been born without nose but I don't believe that rubbish."

I chuckled, "People have a lot of time on their hands to think about some nineteen-year-old girl."

She nodded, ready to voice her opinion when she was called for more shots by the group of men. I clenched my jaw, hating the way they leered at her. I reminded myself to relax. There were guards on every corner of the club and besides, Azmia was one of the safest countries.

I admired the work of royals who looked after their own land and people—woah.

My thoughts came to an abrupt halt. Blood thrummed in my veins, my breathing getting a little faster watching a beauty walk inside the club. Her wide eyes blinking up at her surroundings.

Tempting Rebel Princess 18+ A Steamy Navy Seal and Secret Princess Royal RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now