The cemetery

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When I arrive home I start to get ready blasting music not hearing that Spence had arrived till seeing him in the back of my mirror

I scream throwing my mascara "holy shit spider what are you doing" I ask the boy who sits on my bed "I'm just checking on you... ant wanted me to make sure you were coming tonight" I watch my brother play with his hand and the rings they hold

"Yes I'm going anddd if you have a way there can I come with I'm gonna meet the girls there" he looks up

"Only if you give me money for drink" I roll my eyes and grab my handbag throwing the boy enough to get us both something "there yah go now go get it and I'll finish getting ready"

He runs over kisses the top of my head "thank youu" I push him away and turn back to carry on getting ready after finishing my hair and the light makeup I open my wardrobe only in a silk short robe not realising the person who walked in

"Hey mols spider ain't here so I'm gonna.... Woahhh" I turn and he covers his eyes then hearing the door open and realise that spider would flip if he saw this

I run slamming my door putting a shhh face up to ant who looks worried then a knock happens on my door "yo mols why's your door locked I got your drink"

I start to get stressed "I'm naked Spence give me a min I'll come out now leave it in the bag yeah thank youu"

I then hold a hand over ants mouth till I hear Spence walk away and his door shut I take my hand off when ant licks it "Ughh gross now you need to go out the window" he widens his eyes "what no way I'll just sneak out your room and go to his"

I shake my head and walk to my window pulling it up "nope out....oh gosh what" he licks his bottom lip "nothing just that robe is like really short"

I roll my eyes and push him out not too hard just so he can get out then shutting it and going back to getting changed then leaving my room the same time he opens spences door "okay right let's go then" Spence speaks not noticing the awkwardness between me and his bestfriend

We get in the Uber on the way there ants speakers in the back so when we pull up he starts to set up and we start drinking as more people show my dress riding up constantly making me have to pull it back down

"Ahhhh" I hear behind me making me know whose here I turn smiling at my best friend " your so fucking hot your defo gonna snog in that" I roll my eyes and push her shoulder

Sash then grabs my hand and me and Missy start dancing to ants music, starting to feel the alcohol intake already but not letting it stop me, as I dance on Missy I look over to a tree where I see ant, Spence and dusty the two distracted but one staring

I smile at the green eyed boy who's is smirking and bitting his bottom lip, I then turn to Missy and continue dancing till I need a pee so I walk off and try to find somewhere to pee only to hear someone follow me

I turn around and realise that ants following me "what are you doing I need to pee" I slur to the boy "me too don't feel special" I roll my eyes

"Okay so go over there then" we then split do our business and walk back to the middle him waiting so I roll my eyes "what you waiting for"

He smiles "the girl who was making eyes at me down there you seen her she was about yey high and well hot"

He's sitting on this bench so I walk over slowly "I think I might know who you were on about" oh no the alcohol is really getting to me.

He looks so different I can't explain it I take a seat next to him still holding eye contact "stop looking at me like that white" I giggle I see him starting to look flustered "looking at you like what"

"Like you wanna tear my clothes off because I know I want to, to you" I then take the plunge my leg goes over his thighs im now straddling him "oh yeah, Vaughan"

I watch the boy gulp he slowly puts his hand on my waist making me put my hands in his hair, "we can't do this" the boy softly lifts me off "no your right Spence would kill us" we both nod then looking at eachother

But we break ant comes grabbing my waist and kisses me I reciprocate which makes him lift me onto him "holy shit" I whisper he sits back on the bench and starts kissing up and down my neck both of us breathing heavy till we hear a scream

"COPSSS" it's my brother I jump off ant and sort my dress before he arrives and he grabs my hand passing me my bag and pulling me along "come on mol any slower and I'm leaving you"

I then hurry up and reach this fence Spence jumps over with ease and my eyes widen "ughhh Spencer I have a dress on" he groans "its okay just let ant help you" I look at the boy we both look awkward and he helps lifting me over to my brother grabs me then helping Missy and Sasha then jumping himself and grabbing my arm and running.

We lose Spence so ant pulls me behind a tree putting his hand on my mouth "don't speak okay just listen" i nod my head at the boy

"I want to kiss you I want to take you home and stay with you and I will but I have to go back" my eyes widen "what no way" I mutter in his hands "all my shits there my speakers and everything I have to go back"

I groan as he grabs my neck "but first..." he kisses me just as hard as in the cemetery lifting me against the tree and carrying on kissing my neck and grabbing all over my body

But it gets ruined when my phone rings I decline and carry on but it goes again I look and see it's Spence "oh shit"

"Answer he'll think the worse if you don't" I then nod picking up the phone

"Where are you are you okay? Do you want me to come meet you? Are you alone? I'm leaving now"

"Woah Spence calm down I'm okay I'm gonna walk back I'm alone so if you wanna come then okay but I lost ant"

"Okay okay yeah where you at"

"I'm at the edge of the woods are you leaving"

"Yeah I'm leaving okay i won't be long stay there" he puts the phone down and I turn to ant now feeling the cold which is noticeable by my shivering

" I gotta go" I say making him nod as he takes his jacket off "woah what you doing"

"Just say I give it to you before I lost you okay I can't have you cold and waiting in that"

I roll my eyes "okay please be safe yeah" he nods and takes off making me walk to meet my brother who arrives there not long after me.

He walks over putting his arm on my shoulder and guides me home catching me each time I trip then quietly getting me in and putting me in my bed I turn over cuddling into my bed

"Spence..." I whisper

"Yeah" he replies

"Your a good brother" I say as i turn seeing a smile form "your a good twin too mols night" I murmur out a night and he shuts my door leaving to his own room at least I assume.

The Secret- Anthony Vaughan (ant)Where stories live. Discover now