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After walking for what felt like 3 hours we finally stop "uh alright guys let's uh rest here for a bit.... Refuel Ant chuck some muesli bars" Spence turns to the boy next to him

"Oh about that" ant speaks his mouth full and bits flying out "seriously dude what's wrong with you" my brother talks annoyed

"What I faint if I don't eat every thirty minutes" Ant excuses his food stealing making me look down shaking my head trying to hide my laugh

"Well it's not his fault.... We're lost" harper starts defending Ant, she then looks between me and the boy if this is her way of trying to apologise it isn't going to work and she'll need to work harder

I then look up "what time is it, it looks like it's going to get dark soon?" I speak to the group

"Uhhh judging by the shadows I reckon it about 3:00pm.... My mum made me and brother do cub scouts" Rowan responds which makes the group look at him with shock, nodding I then turn to Spence

"Spence you did it too why couldn't you tell us that" I ask my brother who just looks dumbfounded, I probably shoved him under the bus but this whole situation is slightly more stress inducing then one would think

"We need a break" Sasha talks taking a seat "no we need to keep going" Zoey shouts

Making Sasha snap "Zoey my feet are killing me... I'm tired and I don't have my Invisalign here so my teeth are gonna get all
Janky and fucked up" she shouts as she continues leaning towards the girl making Missy grab her shoulders

"Shit sorry dude" she gets responded to then Darren starts shouting about who we're gonna eat first

"The safest thing for us to do is just to stay put... wait till we get found" Spence throws out but when quinine starts to tell us we should go downhill to find a stream she gets cut off

"CUMLORDS" Spence shouts and then gets followed away by his group of boys

"Uhh sluts were gonna set up over here" Amerie puts her hand up speaks getting ignoring

"Sluts were getting set up over here" noticing how no one is listening to the girl Sasha talks so we continue to walk following the girl to where she leads

"Puriteens take the high ground" we all then split up well majority of us do anyway i take a seat leaning on a log in the middle of the site.

After a while i get joined Ant and Spencer sitting on either side of me "we're screwed" I speak making Spence shake his head

"No you don't know that" he speaks offended by my assumption

"Spence you took us the opposite way" I speak making him sigh "I might of taken us the opposite way" I then nod holding a smile on my face

"Yup.... Chocolate" I offer the two boys who take it we continue to sit there for a while then having Darren and cash run back

"GUYS GUYS we found mushrooms" Darren shouts then we all get up and start to follow him, he moves to the middle to where we originally were sat and he puts them on a stump

I start to put my hand forward to grab one but I get stopped very quick

"Woah what if they're poisonous" sash smacks my hand "don't think they are"  Missy tells the girl

"They look like a good time" harper jokes

"Do we think they're magic.... Oh they're magic alright trust me so we're not eating them right?" Spence tells everyone looking around

The Secret- Anthony Vaughan (ant)Where stories live. Discover now