The election

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The next day i got a phone call from Kai telling me that he needs me to come over, so after waking Ant up and telling him what im doing i head out and over to his house

"Your really gonna leave" i speak being sat on the end of his bed, i swear I heared my heart actually break "i got my answers last night and ey it'll be good for me" he leans against the desk in his room, i then stand and walk over wrapping my arms around his shoulders, "im gonna miss you cunt" i say sniffling

"Im gonna miss you to" Kai talks, we stand there for a while before kai taps my back

"but the real reason your here" i lean back "what am i doing" i say with a sigh knowing that's the only reason im here "i need help packing mum wants me to bring some dead shit" i then wipe my eyes "okay" i smile

He then pulls out a suitcase and throws it on the bed "your telling me all your clothes fit in that?" My eyes wide at the medium case on the bed, after packing up a lot of his clothes leaving out the clothes he's going to wear on the count down till he leaves his mum walks in "got you something bub" she speaks holding up a bright red jacket

My eyes widen at the women "do you want me to have no friends?" He asks his mum making me reply with "i do" quietly but loud enough that he and his mum heard me anyway

His mum giggles and then looks at the coat in her hands "the lady at the store said its in" she then un does the zip and offers it for me to try on, once i put it on i look down and realise that it is huge on me "i mean you wont have frost bite" i look up at the boy who is holding back a giggle, lifting up my hand but it is not seen from the mass amount of sleeve that covers it

The door then knocks "ill get it also mum get her out of that before it eats her" he points then heading out the room, I turn to his mum who is looking at me with a smile "come on lets get that packed for him" i then nod as she folds it putting it in

On top of the case is the top he wore on his first day here, a start to tear up which makes his mum notice "oh molly hunny" she puts an arm around me, leaning her head against mine

"im sorry... im really happy for you all" i wipe away the tears that left my eyes,she smiles at me "i know lovely... im thankful Kai had you to help him through it all"

This makes me giggle lightly then wiping away the tears that had fallen from my eyes again "its Kai that helped me really" she smiles squeezing me before letting go, i wait another moment holding the top then putting it back in his bag before heading to the door Kai being gone a while

I go to open the door "hey Kai if were... oh hey Am" i speak looking between the both of them "look do whatever you wanna do just keep me out of it yeah?" Kai tells the girl before walking back to his door and taking me hand pulling me in

"What was that?" I ask him

"Nothing.... Hey im tired i think im gonna have an early night.... I'll see you tomorrow yeah" i nod at the boy hugging him before i head home to get ready to support Spence in the debate tomorrow.

The next morning i wake up to Spence shaking me "wake up come on we gotta go" he starts making me groan "Spence why are you acting like is Christmas"

I open one eye to see him stood over my bed "please i just wanna go in yeah?" I then groan "ughhhh fine... get out i need to get ready" he then nods shutting the door "meet you downstairs" he shouts from the other side

After chucking on a skirt and jumper i grab my bag and head downstairs "ready lets go" i tell him before we head out the house, when we arrive at school i see Ant waiting by the gate "hey" he speaks his tone sounding high then putting his arm around my shoulder and kissing my cheek

"I have to go talk to sash and missy I'll meet you back in a bit yeah?" I look between the two boys who nod "go do your thing" Spence tells me "just make sure you're there for the debate yeah?" I nod at my brother "okay byeee" i walk off already seeing a bunch of posters up for the three applicant

I head over to sash's promotion table "hiiii" i speak in a sing song tone dropping my bag on her table and taking a seat before the PA starts "it is election day Hartley high in a suprising turn of events Spencer white of the cumlords party has taken a hit in the polls and is now neck n neck with Amerie Wadia of the slt party"

I turn awkwardly to sash who's next to me, I can see that she is fuming, i smile at her but she just starts nodding "i have your vote right..." i then breathe through my teeth "mols?" She questions me

"Funny thing.... Twin promised Spence.... But im sure youll be fine after your debate it'll be okay" i say

Realising missys eyes widen from behind sash and she starts to slowly shake her head at me, i slowly stand... "ill um see you in there" i walk as a quick pace to the gym before the girl can jump at me, when i arrive i see that the chairs are being set up

As i walk in i see Ant on the side and head over "hey where's Spence" i put my arm around his waist as he puts his around my shoulders, "im not sure he was just here" he talks looking around

we both shrug and stand talking about the debate well im trying to talk about it but all Ant wants to talk about is what we are going to do after.

After a while I see that missy and sash have walked in, missy waves her hand at me making me walk over while sash sits going through her notes, "sash knows....." my eyes widen "oh shit... so what does this mean"

"I dont know he's dropped that he's gonna drop out the competition" my eyes remain wide "sorry what no way" she just nods at me "bru its true he's told sash"

"Missy you need to talk to him tell him the truth tell him how you feel but dont tell me, im sorry but im gonna have to pick Spence if it gets serious" she smiles at me putting her hand on my shoulder "i know i get it i wou....." she stops speaking looking behind me seeing that Spence is now stood with Ant they both come walking over but before they reach us i grab Ant

"Woah what you doing" he speak his his being held up in defence making me laugh "just come with me yeah" i then pull him into the old stairwell and close to me, his hands going through my hair, then going up and down my body, the bell then ring Ant groans against my mouth

"You did this on purpose and We need to go" he says making me sort out my outfit before we walk down the stairs, as i hold onto his arm we walk into a full hall and down the side of the rows to where all the candidates are stood with chairs that are free for other people in the party and a chair that i left my bag on

"Welcome to the school captain debate" Woodsy starts talking as i take my seat with one remaining next to me "the format will be ....a answer and a question segment, id like to announce a few rules" i can hear the people next to me muttering i look up seeing that Spence looks angry the complete opposite as to what was stood next to my bed this morning

"For example no cheering no booing no interruptions and no exposing of private parts.. yes im looking at you Anthony Vaughan" she looks directly at my boyfriend making me giggle "so without further ado here's out candidates- Sasha of the QSMCCALP party, Spencer white of the cu....C-Lords party"

"YEAH CUMLORDS" Ant cheers making me shake my head "what did i just say Anthony?"

"And finally amerie wadia of the SLT party" but there's no Amerie instead quinine stands up front.

This should be fun

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