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(First Person) Astrid

It was a rainy day when entering the atmosphere of Kamino. The rain pounding the window like its lives depended on it. Like if that rain didn't come down the world would end. But in my opinion, I would have liked a little bit of sun. I turned my gaze away from the window and to the clones in front of me. Pure white armor. Not a scratch not even a smudge of another color. Just boring old white. For 6 foot tall clones, they didn't look that impressive. But then again, I'm only 5'6 so I shouldn't really be talking.

The sound of a thunderbolt outside, hitting the water with a crash, startled me, causing my head to turn towards the window. I heard the white armored clones starting to laugh at me in small chuckles. I turned my head slowly in their direction, glaring at them through my red visor. "Something funny" I threatened, in my mild britsh accent. They ignored me and soon quieted down. Maybe if I had a helmet like them I would be taken more seriously.

I had blood red glasses on that were not see through: that were connected to the bottom part of my black plastic mask. The mask covered the whole front of my face leaving some of my forehead exposed. The back of my head and the sides where my hair is, was visible. My glasses were like goggles that covered all around my eyes so you couldn't see anything. My glasses had different settings such as night vision, heat seeking and the normal vision. The mask matched my cloths. Black leather pants with pockets and black belt with silver buckle, thin black tank-top turtle neck with a dark blood red jean jacket, and plain black ankle high boots with a small heel.

I leaned my head back against the seat rest and put my ankle on my knee. I took off one of my vibroblades from my belt and started to twirl it slowly through my fingers. But I stopped after a couple of twirls because of my complete boredom. "Mrs. Barnes, we are in view of the city about to activate the landing sequence" the pilot said in a monotone. I put my blade away and stood up with my bag of equipment. I swung it over my shoulder and grabbed onto the sling hanging in the shuttle with my black finger less gloves.

We landed quicker than I expected and the ramp to the ship slowly lower, revealing the wide and small busy hanger full of clones. I walked down the ramp with the 2 white clones close behind me. I hate escorts. The sound of my shoes hitting the cool metal floor could be heard with each confident step I took. I kept my head held high as I swayed my hips from side to side with each step. All eyes were soon on me, along with whispers starting to grow the closer I got to a waiting Kaminoan. I knew of him, but not enough to be well acquainted with. His name was Lama Su, prime minister of Kamino. "Greetings, miss Barnes. It's nice to finally meet you after all I have heard of you" Lama Su greeted. "The Republic is excited to have you here on Tipoca city" Lama Su said genuinely. "Glad to be here" I casually said with a nod.

"If you follow me, I can lead you to your quarts, along with a quick tour of our great establishment" he added with the gesturing of his long arms to follow. I nodded and started to follow him through the automatic doors of the hanger, leading into the large open hallways of Tipoca city.

The prime minister started to explain the various rooms of Tipoca city when it came to the training rooms, mess hall and armory. Everything else, I didn't may much attention to. I was to focused on all the side eyes I got from all the clones. Well, all the ones that didn't have their helmets on at least. The ones with helmets, no guarantees there. "...and here we have the medical stations where we treat the most critically injured clones..". He just went on and on. It felt like hours till we finally arrived at my temporary dwelling. Honestly, I feel bad for the clones that have been escorting me all this time. We must have walked over 6,000 steps without breaks. I know in war they must walk a lot but, on solid metal flours without breaks...wowsirs.

"Thank you for the tour" I commemorated. "Of corse, Mrs. Barnes. I will allow you to get settled" and with that, he left with my, probably exhausted clone escort. Hope they still have their feet when they go back to the front. I pushed the button to my dwelling and walked inside. It was a nice size. A bed in the corner with the headrest on the right wall, sink and small kitchen with an island, couch on the left wall with a large bean bag next to it, empty sword wrack, and a small desk on the right of the door with a chair. I locked the door behind me and threw my heavy bag on the bed. I went for the second door in the room, which was the bathroom, and turned the shower on.

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