Haunted: Final Part

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Under Hotch's orders, half of the team heads back to the station where JJ and Spencer are. They've been doing as much research on Darrin, the Hollow Creek Killer, and Tommy as they can.

"So, what do we know?" Hotch asks when he walks in.

"There were only four suspects in the Hollow Creek case, and they're all dead. The kids were taken in 1973, '74, and '75, and all on the way home from school."

"They came from different school districts," JJ says. "He waited for them to be alone."

"That takes patience. He must have had time off in the afternoons. He lived or worked near the schools."

"That's a lot of doors to knock on," Derek sighs.

"Do you think Call's going back there?" Rossi asks.

"I think there's a good chance."

"I'll tell Mitchell," JJ says and walks away.

"Where's the secondary location? He needed seclusion to do what he did." Derek's phone rings and he places Pen on speakerphone. "Go ahead, Garcia. You're on speaker."

"I found Tommy. He goes by James Thomas Anderson now."

"Is he local?"

"One county over. His address and bio are coming now."

You and Hotch take this one together without a hoard of other agents. Tommy probably wants to put all this in the past. Seeing so many officers about this case will only freak him out. Tommy wasn't thrilled to see you two on his doorstep, but he let you in nonetheless. When Hotch explains the situation vaguely, Tommy looks visibly upset.

"What does Darrin Call have to do with me?"

"We think he survived the Hollow Creek Killer."

"Nobody survived that."

"You did. There was another boy. He was six years old."

"No, that's not true."

"We don't have time for this," Hotch says angrily.

"I'm telling you, I was alone."

"Just like now?"

"Excuse me?"

"Have you ever been married? Any relationships? Any family?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Or are you afraid you'll abandon them, too? Or was it because of your alcoholism?"

"I would never leave a kid," Tommy says with hints of tears in his eyes.

"Did he cry too much? Was he too slow? What was it? How could you leave a six-year-old all alone?" Hotch says a bit harshly.

"I was only twelve."

"He's been taking medications to deal with the trauma that suppressed his memories," you explain. "That kind of amnesia is a psychological defense."

"He's gonna wish he never remembered," Tommy sighs.

"We know what you told the police. We need to know about the boy."

"He never talked. I was kept in a cage in the barn. He'd come in frequently so I thought I'd be able to use him to escape. One day, the man was drunk and passed out. Darrin freed me. Turns out the man wasn't as drunk as I thought he was because he caught us pretty quickly. He took us both away in a car to a secluded spot. I don't remember where. He gave the shovel to Darrin and told him to dig my grave. I ended up grabbing that shovel and beat the shit out of the man. Both Darrin and I ran away until we got to a fence. I jumped over it easily but Darrin was stuck. The man caught up to Darrin but I was already free. I never thought I'd hear his voice."

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