The Performer: Part One

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"In all the darkest pages in the malign supernatural, there is no more terrible tradition than that of a vampire--a pariah even among demons." - Writer Montague Summers

Spencer's been busy all month. Hotch and Derek have been giving him task after task so he hasn't had a chance to see you. He finally finished everything he needed to do so he gets ready to visit you before returning to work. Derek sees him trying to leave so he drops what he's doing and approaches Spencer.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"To see Y/N. We're not that busy here, and I figured I could be back to work in a couple of hours."

"I need you to complete these files. They're urgent and must get done right away."

"You have a whole team at your disposal. Is it selfish if I ask you to give that to someone else? I promise I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Spencer, I need you to get this done."

"Morgan, I haven't been to see Y/N since she got arrested. Is it too much to ask if--"

"She doesn't want you there, man," Derek blurts.

The entire floor is quiet as Spencer tries to process his words. He looks at Emily and JJ who have sad looks on their faces, Rossi and Hotch have stoic looks, and Penelope is close to tears.

"What? She said that?" Derek opens his mouth to answer but nothing comes out. "Morgan!"

"Look, she loves you. There's no doubt about that, but she doesn't want you there."

"She's my girlfriend. I deserve to see her! I have to know how she is doing."

"Why don't Pen and I go?" JJ offers. "We can check on her and we'll let her know whatever you want us to tell her."

Spencer scoffs at her offer and shakes his head. He walks back to his desk and sits down angrily. Derek nods to JJ and the two women leave the office. Spencer's jaw ticks but he doesn't say anything about it. You don't want him there? Bullshit. Derek watches Spencer with a careful eye as he goes back to what he was doing before.

It takes JJ and Penelope 2 hours to get to you. You're glad to see your two best friends knowing that Spencer probably fought to go with them. Or maybe no one knows they're here. Regardless, you're glad to see them. The bruise on your face has gone down a lot but it's at the yellow-brown stage. It's healing but still noticeable. JJ doesn't say anything when she sees the bruise but Penelope almost breaks down at the sight of you.

"Please don't cry, Penelope, or I'll cry," you sniffle. She nods and tries to stop herself. She shakes her head and hands the phone to JJ while she calms herself down. Seeing you like this breaks her heart because she considers you to be one of her best friends and she hates seeing people she loves in pain. "So, how's Henry doing?"

"He's doing really good. He's sleeping a lot better, but he misses you a lot."

"I miss him, too."

Once Penelope is calm enough, she leans closer to the phone while it's still in JJ's hand so she can talk to you.

"I am trying really hard to work on your case. We're all being monitored very closely."

JJ hands the phone to Penelope so she can hear what you have to say.

"Don't apologize for doing your job. There is nothing wrong with that. Those people need you to help them."

"Whose going to help you? You can't be stuck in here for something you didn't do."

"My trial is coming up soon. There's still a chance I'll be released."

JJ gestures for the phone.

"We will be right there when it happens. You won't be alone."

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