Chapter 20: Kathryn Janeway: 2371

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We're back in Voyager's sick bay.

B'Elanna was reluctant to go in, she hated Doctor's it didn't matter if they were holographic or not, so she made her way to the exit only to be stopped by a figure standing in the way.

"Move." she growled.

"No." Tom replied shortly.

"Paris, for your own safety move." Harry warned.

Tom didn't even acknowledge him, as B'Elanna went to go punch him, she wanted to break his nose, just like she did in her bedroom when she broke up with him, Tom obviously predicted the attack because he managed to grab both her arms.

"Let go of me!" B'Elanna yelled, she tried to pull away but his grip just got stronger.

B'Elanna realised fighting was futile and relented, she knew Tom would just drag her to sickbay kicking and screaming if he had too, and she should know. He's done it before.

She walked over to the biobed, with Tom watching to make sure she doesn't try to escape again.

Harry, Tuvok, Chakotay and Janeway all raised their eyebrows, Chakotay knew B'Elanna was incredibly hard to calm down once she got worked up, so it was a wonder that Tom had been able to do so.

The EMH has repaired Chakotay's leg, and healed B'Elanna and Harry.

"Bridge to Janeway." said Rollins. 

"Go ahead." said Janeway.

"Captain, two Kazon ships are approaching the Array." said Rollins.

"Set a course. I'm on my way." replied Janeway.

"We've got to get back to our ship." said Chakotay. 

"I strongly advise you to rest. I will not be held responsible for the consequences. " said the Doctor, the two Maquis in the sick bay don't listen.

Tom grabbed B'Elanna's upper arm making Chakotay stop too, to see what Tom was going to do to B'Elanna.

"After this you're going in the Brig with all your murderous Maquis friends, it's where you belong."

"No we're not." B'Elanna said, she pulled out of Tom's grasp.

"And we're not murders either." Chakotay adds.

Tom laughed mirthlessly.

"Tell that to my sister." he said.

"She wasn't supposed to die." B'Elanna said, it was quiet enough in sickbay for everyone to hear what she said.

B'Elanna left before Tom could ask what she meant, Chakotay, Janeway and Tuvok left too, Tom followed not long after.

"Is the crew always this difficult?" the Doctor asks.

"Don't know, Doc. It's my first mission." said Harry.

He leaves.

"Doesn't anyone know how to turn off the programme when they leave?" asks the Doctor wishing he could deactivate himself.


Janeway, Harry, Tuvok, and Tom enter. 

"Bring the weapons systems online." said Janeway. 

 "Powering up phase banks and photon systems." said Tuvok. 

"Red alert." said Janeway.

Voyager and the Maquis ship approach the Array. Two Kazon ships are there as well.

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