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Jisung's voice quivered through the phone as he exclaimed, "Felix, what are you talking about? I can't bear this wait any longer—it feels like I'm trapped in a horror movie out here!"

"Oh, come on, Jisung. The park isn't that bad. Besides, I just left home. I'll be there in 15 minutes. Hang in there, don't let the suspense kill you," Felix reassured him as he strolled down the street.

"I'll do my best not to, but please, hurry!" Jisung replied, dripping with misery, before abruptly ending the call.

Standing by the only functioning lamppost in the park, Jisung waited impatiently for his excessively tardy friend. The cool night air brushed against his face gently, reddening and causing his nose to run.

An obvious shiver ran down his spine as the breeze intensified, prompting him to curse his decision to not wear a thicker jacket. Despite the eerie darkness enveloping the park, Jisung found a strange comfort in its depths.

Felix had insisted on meeting at 2 am to show Jisung something he had discovered, a decision that baffled Jisung to no end.

Suddenly, a noise from a nearby garbage can caught his attention. Whipping his head around, Jisung spotted a small squirrel rummaging for food.

"You scared me, little guy! But in times like this, brothers like us have to stick together, don't we?"
Jisung playfully extended his hand towards the squirrel as if seeking a high-five, but the creature merely blinked at him before darting off into the bushes.

"Stupid squirrel, can't even recognize its own kind. Whatever, I can handle being scared on my own," Jisung muttered to himself.

"Who are you talking to, Sung?" Felix's sudden voice shattered Jisung's train of thought, almost giving him a heart attack.

"Lix, you can't just sneak up on someone like that! You scared the life out of me," Jisung exclaimed dramatically, placing a hand over his racing heart.

"Hehe, sorry about that," Felix chuckled sheepishly, flashing an apologetic smile.

"So, what's so important that we had to come out in the middle of the night?" Jisung inquired.

"We're going to channel our inner Sam and Colby and explore a heavily guarded building," Felix replied with an overly enthusiastic tone, much to Jisung's disbelief.

"Okay, but you do realize we're not Sam and Colby, right? And that place must be heavily guarded for a reason?" Jisung pointed out.

"But what if it's like Area 51, and we're the first ones to see it? We could be famous!" Felix countered excitedly.

"And most likely dead," Jisung retorted dryly.

"Come on, do it for me, please?" Felix pleaded, employing his best puppy-dog eyes and clasping his hands together.

"Ugh, fine. But if I die, it's on you, Lee Felix," Jisung half-jokingly threatened.

Felix hugged his friend in joy, promising cheesecake for life as gratitude.

"Anyway, which way are we headed?" Jisung asked.

Felix nervously pointed towards the ominous forest at the park's edge.

"Seriously, the forest? What if we get lost?" Jisung voiced his concern.

"There's a trail, and it's not far in. We can call for help when the monster gets you," Felix teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Jisung didn't find it funny but followed along as they headed towards the forest trail.

They cautiously approached the guarded building with flashlights, navigating carefully. After finding a loose wire in the fence, they created a small opening to slip through, celebrating silently with a high-five.

Inside, they realized the building was abandoned, filled with graffiti and broken windows. While peering through one of the windows, they heard footsteps and saw flashlights approaching, prompting them to hide.

A mysterious voice echoed in the empty house, "They're late."

"I know. What should we do? Should we leave? This might be some kind of setup, hyung," another voice responded, filled with uncertainty.

"I'm not sure. What if they're just running late?" the first voice pondered aloud.

The two men stood in the middle of the room, debating how to handle the situation.

"Damn it, I said I don't know!" There was a sudden outburst, causing Jisung to whimper and curl up in fear, hugging his knees while Felix attempted to comfort him with a side hug.

"Hyung, what was that?" a voice inquired.

"What was what, Seungmin?" the mysterious man replied, rubbing his temples to ease his headache.

"No, seriously, I heard someone whimpering."

Felix and Jisung exchanged a worried glance, realizing they might be in trouble. They slowly began to crouch walk towards the fence until...

"So here's my number, so call me maybe. Before you came into my life, I missed you so bad, I missed you so bad, I missed you so so—"

"Stupid fucking ringtone!" Felix whispered in frustration.

First ff ever I have no clue what I'm doing

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