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Hey ok so I finally got around to writing this just wanna say thanks for 150 reads I promise this will be continued through all 3 seasons of the original cast maybe more I have a ton of ideas for what I want to do across the show so hope you stick around anyway here's dodgeball episode might take on the talent show one tonight too anyway GET IT SEXYY GET IT SEXYY!!!






The camera finds its entrance in the cafeteria with the campers eating muck half awake before Chris decides to make his presence known "Duncan you look like death dude" only met by a half mumbled "Stick it" from Duncan before Courtney added "Harold snored all night I hope there isn't a challenge even with that off day I feel dead" "Oh wow almost like giving one day off wouldn't fix it but don't worry campers do I have news for you!" Chris blurted out with a grin

Duncan picked his head up threating "Oh you wanna see some news?" Chris only half taking the hint replied "Nope! but today's challenge is perfect for tired people good ol' dodgeball! Oh and you remember that elimination I talked about yesterday that will be revealed at campfire for a double elimination, one player from the losing team today and one from the fan vote see you in an hour campers!" Chris walked out smug as ever


"Ugh I can't feel my face how does he expect me to do this and how the hell is Cody not this tired the issue is that it's dodgeball all odds are on us losing cause we have less people. And you wanna know who probably is going to suck at dodgeball THE GIRL WHO HASN'T SLEPT IN 4 DAYS! That off day helped a bit but I was too busy playing wingman for Bridgette to sleep much"


"We are on a winning streak and dodgeball is going to give us the advantage I mean we have Duncan, Eva, Tyler, and Izzy is crazy plus a two player advantage we have this in the bag!"


"Okay so yesterday I overheard Heather, Lindsay, and Beth talking I don't want to bring it up yet because if Heather knows I heard I'm a target I need to wait til near voting where she won't know"


"I don't know how this happened but someone gave me the sickest statch last night sick dude, HEY THAT'S NOT FUNNY DUNCAN!"


The camera resumes at a makeshift gym walled in by see through hard glass. Chef stood ready in a Ref's outfit with flags for both teams hanging proudly with the campers standing in front of their respective flag Duncan trailing behind a bit but a bit more eager than at breakfast. Chef breaks the anticipation with the blow of a whistle sizing the campers up as he passes before Chris takes over. "Today's challenge is the classic game of dodgeball the first rule of dodgeball is-" "Do not talk about dodgeball" Noah interrupts already annoyed getting a chuckle from Owen and Cody before Chris continues. "As I was saying if you get hit by the ball" Chris pauses throwing the dodgeball he was holding straight into Courtneys chest "OH CHRIS YOU HEAR ME I'M SUING YOU FOR THAT MY DAD IS A LAWYER AND-" Chris interrupts the furious prep girl continuing his rules.

"Then you're out, if you catch the ball the thrower get's sent out and the catcher get's to bring another team member out on the court" Noah decides to pipe in again saying "Throwing balls gee another mentally challenging test" which he got a response he didn't expect back from Lindsay "I know right my head hurts already, or is it my chin?". Chris decides to wrap it up resuming "Okay so Geoff try to hit me! If you're holding a ball you can use it to deflect a ball but if it knocks the ball out of your hands you're out!" Lindsay clearly confused questions "So what do I do again when the ball comes at me?" Chris deflecting Geoff's throw into Lindsay yells "You dodge!" to no avail as the blonde is knocked to the ground. "Oooh you were supposed to dodge you have one minute until game time Bass you have to sit two people out each game no numbers advantages" Chris ends his speech letting the campers plan

Total Drama-Island of Invasiveness (Rewrite of S1)Where stories live. Discover now