Not Quite Famous

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I'm very aware this took a while but that time was not wasted! I've written the next 3 parts of the story and should be dropping one a day maybe a fourth one if my schedule is nice to me. Another big thing is I have 5 OC thought up I'm debating whether to introduce them in action or a 4th season. I've also been working a lot on how plots going to flow through the seasons which is where that idea came from. I was thinking after WT there's a 4th season basically just to tear apart the big characters and close any arcs for characters that won't be seen again, and All Stars will be the last installment of the original cast. I just think that characters work better with the other characters they were built for so want to keep it mostly separate but yeah this wasn't abandoned we're back! Lastly, stream Coco Jones this girl should be mega star famous she has so much talent.









"This is so way way beyond bad I ran out of fake tanner already!" The camera finds its start with Lindsay in the Gophers cabin holding a squeezed out fake tan cream, clearly distraught. 

"Woah that's tragic Lindsay" Gwen said not even trying to hide her sarcasm Lindsay didn't pick up on it and just continued

"Now I have to actually like suntan in the sun, do you realize how shriveled and wrinkly that can make your skin?" Lindsay says probing around Gwen "Oh you totally do" interrupting Lindsays breakdown a megahorn sounds off Chris announcing todays plan

"Alright campers enough beauty sleep time to show us what you're made of meet us the stage near the dining hall in 10". The campers gather at an impromptu stage waiting for Chris to explain anything further.

"Are we going to see a musical, I love musicals especially the ones with singing and dancing" Lindsay still not comprehending whats going on well exclaims while Trent takes the chance to sit near Gwen.

"Hey Gwen I saved you a seat" which got a thanks from Gwen before the 2 started conversering. Trent was leaning back on the bench looking as cool as can be to Cody who attempts to do the same before falling earning a groan from Noah.


"God why does this twink have to be the romantic interest my brain chose. Me and Cody have been growing closer these last couple challenges and while he is a bit embarrassing to be around I do really like him, somehow."


"We got 2 of the Bass out last round now we're on even footing plus I'm cementing myself as more and more of a leader pretty soon I'll rule this team, I just need a way to get rid of Gwen."


"Glad Justin is gone, I don't know what Chris has planned here but I doubt I'm going to have much place in a theatrical performance."


Chris finally comes out giving his as expected speech introducing the challenge "Welcome to our brand new state of the art outdoor amphitheater! Okay so this weeks challenge is a summer camp favourite a talent contest. Each team has 5 hours to pick their 3 most talented campers. These three will represent them in the show tonight, sing, dance, juggle anything goes as long as its legal" the last part earns a groan from Duncan "You'll be judged by our resident talent scout DJ, VJ and rap legend grand master Chef! Aiding him today will also be your eliminated teammates, making up Jurys of 3 with the eliminated players judging the opposite team their approval will be shown on the Chef oh Meter. Losing team per normal will send one camper home tonight good luck". The eliminated campers wave some hellos as they walk off with Chris.

Total Drama-Island of Invasiveness (Rewrite of S1)Where stories live. Discover now