gurudakshina, power buildup

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With the first light of the sun both bhagwan parshuram and karn goes to the river side for there Pooja after Pooja both get back to the tree in the ashram where they does there ved path now both were seated and bhagwan speaks "Karn today I'm going to ask you give gurudakshina are you ready"
To which karn smile confidentially and speak "gurudev the shishya that doesn't have faith in there guru's teaching is not worth anything then how will I be able to claim such high morals I just not have confidence but absolute faith in you gurudev"

Pleased with the answer karn gave bhagwan stand up and speak you will give me gurudakshina in two parts first you have to make celestial weapons I've thought you everything needed so your first gurudakshina is to make a celestial weapons yes you have made a celestial bow now you have to make shastras to use on that bow. Listening to this karn entered in the state of meditation and started to consentrate large amount of energy.

Karn Pov
I should thrive to make a sastra that will make my guru proud as i understand and priorities energy that embodied the essense of existence so a weapon that will act like a nuclear ☢️ weapons that will create waves of heat and cold at the same time which distort the space the movement it touches and also a weapon of less destruction that will make my enemy unconscious by extracting all the oxygen from the space around it like a thermobaric weapon.

Understanding and making a clear image what he wanted to make karn started to concentrate on two point and created two shastras it took him two days to properly create the shastras then he presented the shastras to his guru seeing them guru parashuram because extremely happy and then they presented the weapons to Mahadev and then Mahadev named both of the weapons the weapon represents the Nuclear destruction was named anantsunyata and the weapon of thermobaric nature named durbhaghyapurntirth. After the creation of the weapons bhagwan parshuram ask his second gurudakshina from karn.

Bhagwan: - karn it's time for your last guru dakshina tell me Putra what a person needs to create changes in the society.

Karn: - To create proper, stable and effective changes in the society a person needed 5 things knowledge, power, money, authority and he should follow the path of Dharm for the liberation of the society.

Bhagwan: - Right karn so can you tell me what you have and what you don't?

Karn: - Gurudev currently I've power, knowledge and a will to walk the path of DHARM.

Bhagwan so you know, so your gurudakshina will be to attain what you don't have and to create changes in the society. So tell me what will you do.

Karn: - Magadh gurudev I shall conquer Magadh raj jarasandh it will give me authority and wealth at the same time and it will provide a first step towards the change i wanted to create in the world.

Listening to karn Bhagwan smile and then told the story of birth of jarasandh to karn listening which karn understood what his guru is trying to do and the next day karn create a Rath and left for Magadh.

It took karn several days to reach Magadh and as he reached the border of Magadh he launched a arrow towards the castle of Magadh seeing which jarasandh become furious and gave a order to prepare the army and with his army jarasandh entered the battlefield as he reached the battlefield and saw the intruder he shouted

Jarasandh: - who are you? How dare you launch an arrow in my Sacred assembly.

Karn: - who's assembly are you speaking of jarasandh and you are standing in front of Magadh raj you are the intruder here not me

Listening to which jarasandh become uncomfortable and furious and order his troops to capture the warrior as the army starred to march as Karn sees the army marching he summoned a bow and chanted a mantra to summon durbhaghyapurntirth to unconscious all the soldier by the controlling the effect he shoot the arrow the arrow fly towards the energy army and made a loud boom and then a blue light emerged and covered almost whole army and then shrink to it's origen and then all the air/oxygen was disappeared from that marked area and all the soldier fainted due to the lack of oxygen seeing this jarasandh become angry and weak but he was a warrior of much higher statuses as he endured the lack of oxygen in the atmosphere and then he challenged karn to a duel to which karn accepted the duel goes for 3 days straight and karn has splinted jarasandh countless times in this span of time as he was a scientist he never paid that much attention on the details of Mahabharat in his time so the only data he has to kill jarasandh was the story told by his guru after so much time karn started to think back as nothing work he forced his thoughts to remember everything his gurudev told and as he was thinking deeply remembered that the rakshasni jara pich the peace of jarasandh and they become one so why only when jara picked them they merged not before is there some clue in it I splinted him countless times but he became alive each time even when jara is not here to merj him then why now he can an can't be able to merge then why? Then he was thinking he remember to heal a wound we have to stick it then if we doesn't stich it right either it will not heal or not be healed properly huhh why the hell I'm thinking this bulshit now wait stich the wound properly if I splint him and through him opposite direction his wounds can't be healed is that the answer let's try that thinking all this karn again pinned jarasandh and split himanshu this time he throws him in opposite directions and to everyone suprise jarasandh didn't merge. And then everyone started to chant the name of karn.

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