arrival and tour

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For the past week magadh is immersed in the chaos to prepare for there kings yajna whole nation has been decorated the roads are completed with street lights on them all around the nation roads has all facilities a national highway needed, everyone in the nation is waiting for their kings asendence to a higher throne many rishis and kings has started to arrive to magadh they had been received by the core delegates of the magadh many kings and rishis was stunned to know that magadh doesn't has a royal palace but different royal establishments for these gathering a tour of the capital was provided to all guests that been arrived just 3 days before the information had been arrived that the people from hastinapur, dwarka, panchal, nimisha will arrive till today's evening karn has ordered to prepare separate establishment for each family just like he did for all nations he wanted that no nation meet with each other to reduce the risk but they can meet with each other if they wanted to they can send a praposal for a meeting through magadh.

Hastinapur pov:

After the dispatch of the invitation for the yajna a messenger arrived in hastinapur two days later the messengers sounded the invitation in the royal assembly and also expressed about the aryavart union assembly beauty and invited the whole royal family and the close friends dhritarashtra accepted the invitation and returned the message in good will on the time of departure mata gandhari, gandharaj, duryodhan, dusasan, ashwatthama, dron, gangaputra bhism, dushala has departed for magadh it took them 5 days to reach magadh as they reached the border of Magadh they was astounded by the roads they saw guards and many facilities around the roads the guards informed the arrival of the hastinapur delegates to the capital and started to escort them too after there entry in the magadh's boarder they didn't stop gasping an aid of ghandhari explained everything to gandhari too it took them only half a day to reach the capital they was astonished to see that time was cut this short it was a straight road to the capital by traveling in road on land, bridge on rivers and Tunnel under the mountain it was a experience they never hopped for. As they reached the capital they became even more stunned that magadh doesn't has a palace they were escorted to there establishment they chatted whole time on the go and now even in the in they were received by the magadh delegates and told about the upcoming events before the yajna as today evening there going to be a great gathering and dinner at the royal venue in Central building with all the guest that will be present in the yajna.

Next to arrive was dwarka followed by the pandavas and panchal family all was escorted to there respective establishment Pandavas was offered a chance to stay with the hastinapur family and they accepted the offer.

When a messenger informed the hastinapur family about the guest they were confused and all came to the gathering room of the establishment and then waited for the guest to arrive it was all new experience for them as in hastinapur and all nations they would have gone to the gates to receive the guest but now they are waiting patiently for there guest arrival as the family of Pandavas reached they all became shocked while some started crying the yudhisthir and his brothers walk forward and took blessings from there elders immediately and all seated and the session for the question and answer started as gangaputra bhism spoke first "Putra yudhisthir why you left hastinapur your home tell us putro". Yudhisthir " pitamah after the war of Panchal we brothers decided to conqueror and develop our own nation from ground up and we were successful in developing our nation of nimisha". To which Arjun spoke "pitamah we have developed nimisha it doesn't mean we are separated from hastinapur hastinapur is were are family is we can never forget that". Hearing this bhism smile and hugged everyone seeing this duryodhan and his crue left the room.

Evening party pov:

The whole party hall was decorated marvellous all kind of entertainment was prepared for the guest from singing to dancing also some debate areas for some kings everyone arrived and was astonished by the beauty of the benquet hall.

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