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After the meeting ended as Karn ordered the magadh telecom service the device was established in hastinapur under the banner of magadh telecom service and The order was given to establish the device in dwarka, panchal and all the alliance nation Krishna tried to fake a retaliation as dwarka is his nation and Karn can't take action without his permission but karn reminded him the terms of there alliance and Krishna just smiled and praised the developers. Next day in the royal court everyone was whispering about the device but stopped as the karn arrived in the court and then the mahamantari of the magadh explained about the device to all and the demonstration was conducted after that acharya dron came in the centre of the court and spoke "pranipat maharaj I'm here to ask my gurudakshina from my students am i allowed to speak?".
Karn "acharya dron gurudakshina is a sacred ritual between students and guru you don't need to ask permission to ask you your gurudakshina please speak freely".
Dron "thanks maharaj but the permission is necessary as what I wanted to ask you may not like it, putro today I ask my gurudakshina in order to pass you all from your gurukul jivan putro i ask you yo defeat panchalraj drupad and take my revenge".
Listening to there guru's gurudakshina all the kuru prince became stunned and dhritarashtra spoke "no!!!! guru dron panchal is a strong kingdom how can you ask such gurudakshina, we will send mahamahim bhism tatshree will help kuru Kumar in there gurudakshina". To which dron spoke "don't say things you can't give kuru Kumar dhritarashtra do you even have the authority to give any order to mahamahim bhism of hastinapur?". To support bhism spoke himself "acharya dron is right dhritarashtra until hastinapur became independent I can't attack any Kingdom on your order my aligence is towards defence of hastinapur and the throne of magadh now". Listening to this all become stunned and schoked to which karn spoke "guru dron you should know one thing Panchalraj drupad is the king of Panchal it he doesn't have the authority to give ot take land of Panchal and it's surrounding so if you are thinking of taking panchal as your kingdom you have to fight magadh army". After the revelation dron became angered as he wanted half of Panchal for his son but now he can't take the half panchal and spoke "I want my gurudakshina as the defeat of Panchal Naresh not panchal kingdom maharaj". After this Arjun and most of the kuru prince stand and supported to give the gurudakshina to there guru. And they all left to make preparations for the battle. (They all will fight together there is no need for the compitition for the yuvraj seat anymore). Same day in the night Pandavas and kunti decides to left hastinapur from panchal self after giving there gurudakshina. Next day all the kuru prince left for the battle against Panchal with guru dron and ashwatthama. It took them 2 days to reach Panchal borders and they established there tents outside the border of Panchal the information of there arrival was reached panchal the same day they left hastinapur from the medium of magadh telecom service the first practical use of the service. And panchal had prepared to defeat and capture the kuru prince as then shrikhandni would be able to kill gangaputra bhism and fulfill her's vow. With the morning the battle begain with the panchal all the kuru prince fought with unity with the lead of Arjun they destroyed the chakravyuh created by panchal army and duryodhan kept the shrikhandni at bey and Arjun with the help of bhim and others defeated drupad and destroyed his mayajal after that battle kuru prince took drupad at the feet of there guru dron in there tent after this drupad apologized and returned to his kingdom after this dron and everyone left for the hastinapur but Pandavas with there mata kunti left for nimisha without letting anyone know when all the prince and dron with ashwatthama reached hastinapur they noticed that Pandavas are missing but Kauravas didn't gave a thought and left for there chambers and dron and everyone was sad as they noticed that ku ti is also missing they thought that they must have left for kuntibhoj and remained rested next day when the royal assembly started dhritarashtra was seated on his throne as in this time his coronation was done and a seat was also prepared a step above the side of mahamahim bhism where karn was seated the royal assembly was also renovated two flags were hung on the both side of the court one of magadh and one of hastinapur with the Start of the assembly ashwatthama narrated everything happened in panchal after this dhritarashtra congratulated everyone and a team was proposed to find Pandavas and kunti as they doesn't know whether they are in kuntibhoj or anywhere else as dhritarashtra is now the king duryodhan is proposed to be yuvraj which no one objected and duryodhan proposed to give ang to ashwatthama as i. Gurukul he has promised ashwatthama a kingdom which karn excepted and ang became a vessel state of magadh.

After a long week of war karn and his delegates returns towards Magadh as the chief supervisor had also arrived allotted to hastinapur. After days of travel as Karn traveled and stayed in various cities and villages to see the development of the magadh when he saw he was so proud as everyone has basic needs fulfilled people's are now aiming for luxury not to fullfill there needs there are roads, lights, water, severage, houses were luxurious there were local market in all places schools were made in all small blocks and atleast 2 hospital in a village law enforcers are doing there job properly and karn also checked the financial statements of the area wherever he reached to see that no corruption is in place and being satisfied with the progress he travelled and looked all around the magadh it took him 4 years to reach Magadh he made various decision on commerce, technology, medical, warfare, and international affairs in the process magadh has developed to be the nation that can't be rivalled by anyone not even dwarka. In this time karn also got the news of Pandavas through magadh special spy unit that uses telecom device that Pandavas had developed nimisha and lord vishvakarma has helped them building it arjun got Gandhiv from indradev to kill many asuras and they have developed quit a bit in this they have also made treaty with Magadh by with in just 2 years there financial wealth skyrocketed. An another play was also been played in panchal With the help dwarkadhish panchalraj drupad gained a daughter and a son from Agnidev named drishtdyum and draupadi the word of draupadi been the most beautiful women on earth spread like wild fire. Karn also ordered the magadh architecture institute to build an assembly the which will be named as aryavart international union assembly for the rajyasurya yajna but as he was unmarried so he can't do the rajsurya yajna so with the guidence of maharishi vishvamitra karna proceeded to do the vaishnava yajna and bow to do rajsurya after his marriage due to this the whole magdh became happy and as the information goes out many kings decided to persuade there daughters, sister to marry karn. After the birth of draupadi in next year the assembly was ready to be run so with the orders of karn the letter was send to all the kings weather small or big the letter of invitation for the yagna was send with a messenger traditional way not only kings the letter was also send to swarglok to the king indra by the hands of eklavya to come and bless the land which was excepted the letter was also send to his guru's parashuram and shukracharya ji and many sages like Rishi durvasa, vyas, saptarishi dev guru brahaspati too.

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To be continued

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To be continued.....

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