Samrat karn

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Next day magadh is at the peak of elevation as today's the day for the yajna all preparation was done and everyone was escorted to the aryavart union assembly and seated on the designated seats maharishi vishvamitra was making preparations for the yajna and all the kings are giving there offering to magadh. As the time comes near karn enters the assembly wearing a white dhoti and white ang vastra all was shocked as they didn't expected this as he should be wearing some expensive clothes and jewels but now he is in the simplest etire and without jewellery he made his way towards the stage and addressed all the kings and then turn around there were several thrones were prepared and started to chant as he chanted saptarshi appeared with parashuram and sukracharya ji and then he started chant again then indradev also appeared with Suryadev then he washed the feets of all the Rishis then indradev and suryadev and his guru's too then he asked all of them to take there place but he provided the second highest throne to parashuram and sukracharya ji after that he again addressed all.
Karn: - respect guests with the grace of the tridev we have the fortune to be in the presence of the saptarshi and the king of gods and the king of navgraha I ask blessings from them and guidence as well and hope that devraj and bhagwan Bhaskar will always help in my endeavour and as you can see today this court is also been graced by my guru's as well guru parashuram and guru sukracharya I ask blessings from them as well.

After that maharishi vishvamitra asked maharishi vyas and durvasa to do the rituals as they are respected karn asked maharishi durvasa to agree by saying that he is one of the most beloved to Mahadev and he wanted to have his upmost blessings so maharishi durvasa agreed then as fir the rituals to start they instructed karn to go and get ready and then mahamantari and Eklavya asked the presented kings that until maharaj karn is coming in the mean time they should take blessings from the celestials presented in th court so all the kings started taking blessings all were also been bevilderd as to see that bhagwan pata and sukracharya ji shares a student and this a first for dron and bhism they all took blessings from the celestials and Arjun also meet his celestial father and yudhisthir and Nakul sahadev also take blessings from there celestial grandfather draupadi and Krishna aslo got many blessings from the celestials after some time karn was ready but waited long so that all can take blessings then when all were done he entered the assembly all the ladies was so goes into him as was looking like a god in his attire and the attire was unique and fabulous (I'm not describing the attire i think it will just make things boring so just seee the image that attire karn is wearing 😁)

After that maharishi vishvamitra asked maharishi vyas and durvasa to do the rituals as they are respected karn asked maharishi durvasa to agree by saying that he is one of the most beloved to Mahadev and he wanted to have his upmost blessings so m...

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As he enters with dignity and aligence he sats on the yajna and with guidence of maharishi vyas and maharishi durvasa he does the yajna no one objected and as the yajna come to an end maharishi durvasa ask him to give a place of honour to someone he sees fit as that person will have the place of honour in your court and whose word will be most important to you karn think for a minute and then ask his guru sukracharya ji to take the place of honour in the court sone kings thought against of it but didn't say anything but indradev was going to object but before him sukracharya ji spoke first "karn i know you live me and respect me but I order you to give the position to bhagwan parashuram as he is your first guru". Listening to this all take a breath of relief without showing it and indradev also been relieved then karn asked bhagwan parshuram but then bhagwan parshuram aslo regected as he has taken place in mahendragiri and he will remain there he can't take the place of honour in the court but he gives his blessings then after thinking karn asked maharishi durvasa and asked him not to regect to which maharishi durvasa asked why choose him to which karn answered "maharishi you are beloved my mahdev and I respect you the most if I didn't have the duty to serve the people of aryavart i would have happily spend my whole life to serve you maharishi please respect the request of your servent". To which maharishi asked again why don't you give the position to dwarkadhish he is competent and knows Dharm well to which karn answered "maharishi he knows Dharm but we both have contradiction with the dharm that we follows and all even the tridev feels blessed to have your blessings please accept my request" after all this maharishi didn't find the face to regect his request and accepted the position and he took the throne then karn washed his feet and took the blessings after the karn take a path and the yajna became successful the all the kings and guest hailed the samrat karn and the assembly was filled with the echos of karn after this he told all the king that he will only do marriage one time as in magadh marrying more than once is illegal and he will do the rajyasurya yajna after his marriage all welcomed his decision and then some address was made by some guest and celestial gave blessings to karn suryadev gave karn a Rath, and some celestial weapons in response indradev also gave karn his Angelika Astra as he had already gave him his vasvi sakti after this the assembly was adgent after karn gave some rules of the assembly to all the kings telling them this assembly will be held every year for a week the time will be provided to all with the mean of magadh telecom service.

After the yajna most of the kings left with the exception of hastinapur, nimisha, panchal, dwarka next day panchal was preparing to left but before panchalraj drupad gave the invitation for the swayamvar of draupadi to karn which he excepted and draupadi was blushing at the time as maharaj drupad gave the invitation in front of her and her brother and dwarkadhish dwarkadhish also asked him to attend the swayamvar and then dwarkadhish with panchal left for the panchal kingdom as now the whole aryavart will come to panchal fro draupadi swayamvar drupad also asked Pandavas and hastinapur to attend the swayamvar and said he will send the invitation later and then they left Pandavas stayed for a week there as they made several treaties between magadh and nimisha and the left hastinapur left a day later panchal too.
After the yajna now the power and politics of Aryavart has changed totally as now Magadh is the centre of all unlike the original Mahabharat karn thought as if he won the hand of draupadi than he can totally demolish the plan of Krishna of Mahabharat war and he can totally develop the aryavart in many meeting was made for the new development in aryavart now karn has also ordered more institute to be built all over the aryavart he made several praposal for union ministries like union education ministry that can handle all the education institutions in aryavart and it will report directly to the aryavart union assembly which report to him and union health ministry, union trade ministry so that all the work and development can be done more efficiently but the headquarters of all were situated in magadh he made all the ministry in just 6 month's. He also made the rule that when the recruitment will be done recruitment will only be taken from the regionals for everything in that region and when there is shortage of the people and demand in recruitment then the recruitment will be done in other regions so that people get employment easily and fairly as it runs on a simple principal as the region get devlop people will get employment. In just 2 years this put aryavart at a good position people are now more educated due to this the discrimination based on cast became hidden and people started to give opportunities to all employment raised as now not all are dependent on agriculture people getting job in there regions an if there a market made the regional get preference n there respected regions it motivated people to develop every corner of the aryavart it also gave rise to greed and there comes the judiciary system which was became exception in recruitment as it was conducted by magadh for the whole aryavart and people related to judiciary are tend to be transferred all over aryavart for fare justice these rules were not get broke it was the responsibility of the regional lord and taking action on the lord if he fails to do so was the duty of the magadh law force created by karn this help the aryavart to grow exponentially but it also gave the aryavart the gift/curse of greed, falsehood, treachery as people are now going for higher luxury but the strong leadership of karn kept that in bay by elevating the thoughts of patriotism. After 3 years the official announcement for the swayamvar of draupadi came and it said that the swaminarayan is going up held in 5 months from now. Now it doesn't take long as the whole aryavart is now connected to road system by the help of all nations working together in hormany to develop the road map like magadh it's not connecting the whole aryavart but most of the work is done this also generated many employment opportunities as only regionals was recruited to guard, create, taking fees and running the facilities on these roads.

Karn was having some sleepless nights from some time as he is now remembering his past life as if he marries draupadi it will be his first as he was a virgin in his past life not even a single girlfriend as he was a nurd but not like having heavy specs or something as after he saw draupadi he lost in her beauty and thoughts about her too and his parents also persuades him to get married to as now he is almost 33 year old maharishi durvasa and vishvamitra has also told him to get married with addition to his guru's specially bhagwan parshuram and mata dharini as he thought of them as his father and mother and they also pampered him too. So he has decided that maybe original karn didn't have intrest in marrying draupadi but he has a somewhat crush on her but he doesn't know for sure about that but he is totally ready to marry draupadi making a love resolve he slept in his chambers.

To be continued...

Some age recaps

Karn 33
Yudhisthir 26
And the youngest nakul sahadev 22

As they wer twins and Arjuna bheem were one year gap from yudhisthir

Draupadi is at now 28 on here swayamvar

Well the age difference is not the same as the original Mahabharat now because many events are changed so please bear with it.

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