Chapter Seven

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The last time his mother woke him so early in the day was the day he had to say goodbye to his home in Kyushu. So, when Satoru was awoken by his mother at around five in the morning, he was slightly alarmed but after his mother told him the reason for the early wake-up, he wished they were moving to another city.

"I don't understand why we have to hitch a ride with the gorilla next door," Satoru yawned, but he muttered an apology after getting a pointed look from his mother. "But seriously, Mom."

"Toji offered and I think it also has to do with Megumi going back to class today as well," Kyouko told him.

Satoru watched from the mudroom as his mother wore her most comfortable shoes - a pair of worn-out white sneakers. "Don't you think you're a bit too casual for work?"

"It was Toji who said to wear something casual," she decided not to tell her son that the man even said that she could go to work wearing her pajamas. "Besides, I'm sure you saw his shop, I doubt a blazer would fit in there."

Satoru shrugged. "You never know. And since when did you start calling Fushiguro-san with his first name?"

Kyouko suddenly turned red at her son's question. She can't tell him that she shared a few beers with their neighbor last night - despite Satoru knowing that they did - and the fact the man was a bit too close to her when he cleaned her burn, or how Toji comforted her. "Well, since we've been hanging around a lot together, and he mentioned it'd be easier if I just called him by his name."

Satoru hummed in suspicion and said nothing, but he continued to watch his mother. She was all dressed up to be a bookmaker for an autoshop, wearing a cream colored turtleneck with sleeves only reaching her elbows, a pair of jeans, and her hair was brushed up to a loose bun - and was that make-up she was wearing? When was the last time he saw her wear make-up -

Right, she always wear make-up but not in this way.

"You look extra pretty today," Satoru pointed out.

"Aw, thanks, Satoru," Kyouko messed with his hair. "And you look really handsom wearing your school uniform - did you pack your change of clothes and your rubber shoes? You mentioned last night that you have tryouts today, I guess you'll be late heading home, huh?"

Satoru avoided his mother's gaze and scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, I did. But I don't know if they'll let me in the team..." after he shoved the poster into Watanabe's mouth yesterday in a fit of anger, and then walked away as if nothing happened. In his defense, the asshat deserve it.

"Come on now, you're a good player, you best your father's men everytimme you played."

"Now that I look at it feels like they were going easy on me because Dad told them to," he shook his head and decided to change the subject. Besides they were talking about her, not him. It amazes him and annoys him the same time how his mother manages to dodge being the center of a conversation by changing the subject so easily. Then again, his mother was no ordinary woman. "Seriously, though, what's with the get up?"

The mother and son exited their home and before Kyouko could lock it, Satoru got out his own key and did it for her. "So, why are you all dressed up?"

"It's my first day at work, I should at least be presentable, Satoru."

"Your boss is our neighbor, and I'm sure he's seen you wearing slippers."

"Even so, I should at least look presentable."

Presentable, huh. Just as he was to say more, Kyouko handed him his bento - rather, bentos with size of the furoshiki used and the two layers on top.

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