Chapter Twelve

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There was a stinky diaper right on his face.

There was a stinky diaper right on his face.

And Satoru couldn't do anything about it. If he does what he usually does – which is scream or push away the source – it would wake up Megumi and most likely be in a bad mood too. He needed to be the bigger person and stop breathing until he managed to get the toddler off of him. How the hell did Megumi even get to his side of the fort that he put up to avoid getting kicked by the kid?

Carefully carrying Megumi, Satoru tossed him to the side and gets up from his futon. To his surprise, the toddler was still asleep, snoring peacefully, and was reaching out to grab something. Seeing he was looking for Shiro, Satoru threw the bunny at the boy's direction, and the sleeping Megumi happily hugged the thing. But the boy eventually woke from his deep sleep and was lost for a moment.

"Morning. Your diaper's full," Satoru told the kid.

"Daddy?" Megumi called, still drowsy. "Wake up Daddy. Time for work."

"Oi, the gorilla isn't back yet."


"Let's get ready for school."


"What?" Satoru was about to go back to sleep when Megumi said: "I need to go potty."

"Seriously?!" Satoru grabbed the boy and carried him like a sack of rice, " MOM!"


Kyouko woke from the sudden call of Satoru and the ruckus that came from the bathroom where she heard somewhere in the line of "how the hell do you get this off? Don't even think about shitting while I'm holding you!" that was Satoru's voice; and then there was Megumi who was crying, "I can't! I'm sorry!" Still sleepy, Kyouko got up from her futon and from Toji's embrace to help the boys, but she was immediately pulled back down to the man's side. Then she was caged into his embrace.

"Let them figure it out on their own, they gotta learn how to do it eventually," Toji murmured against her hair. "You slept late last night, let the kid be an adult for the day."

Chuckling, Kyouko got out of Toji's embrace, to their disappointment, as duty calls her. As much as she wanted to be simply Kyouko and stay with Toji that morning, she was needed to be 'Mom' this morning to help the two boys get ready for school.

Toji let out a whine at her absence. Kyouko leaned down and pressed a kiss on his cheek. "Later. You can have me later."

"So, you're not going to work?"

"I need to go to work," Kyouko reminded him.

"Let the guys do it, they can handle it. They know how the ins and outs... if you know what I mean."

She had a guess. It was impossible to have men who didn't question everything Toji did in the shop. All of them seem to be alright with everything he does, the late openings and closings, and even the clients they needed to give special jobs.

"How about I only stay there for half the day, leave the spare key with Masaoka-san, then head back here."

Another whine but then Toji gave in and releases his hold on her wrist. Getting up, Kyouko went to the crying children and helped them in their chaos, but she first made sure to close the door of her room to hide Toji from them. Afterall, the children were not supposed to know about their little relationship. Not yet. Not until they knew where it was going. For now, they were just two family friends who help each other out.

"Alright, what's wrong?" Kyouko opened the door. She was met by the sight of Satoru in tears as he held Megumi over the toilet, the boy's diaper ripped, and Megumi bawling his eyes out with how he was being held and the mess he was in. A sigh and Kyouko went to work.

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