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the problem, sakusa thinks, is that everyone seemed to have the wrong assumption about atsumu. he tries not to be biased because atsumu is probably (most certainly) the only person sakusa would ever love so openly and wholeheartedly but still, he's not exactly biased. he knows atsumu gets loud and rowdy and he comes across as cocky and overly confident but most of the time, he can back it up and other times, atsumu uses that as way to mask the way he really feels.

it's been years since their high school days but sakusa knows atsumu still feels weird without his brother around. he knows atsumu pretends like online comments about him don't bother him and he also knows atsumu cannot sleep without sakusa with him.

he's not really sure when it started but they had got together 5 months after sakusa had joined msby. in the beginning, he still preferred his personal space and he never thought that someone as lively as atsumu was, would respect that. it's not like atsumu doesn't know about boundaries because he does, it's just that he's like an over excited puppy which sakusa finds endearing though he'd never admit that to atsumu or anyone else.

he's really not biased, he just knows atsumu and he knows his over the top, loud mouth boyfriend is still very much human like everyone else which means he has his off days too, just like everyone else.


atsumu doesn't move from his spot in the middle of their bed. their bed .. sakusa still finds it hard to believe that they've made it this far but he doesn't regret it. he's never been happier.

sakusa sighs and moves around their room. it's been raining since they got home and it's chillier in the evenings so he knows atsumu is extra cuddly. he looks cuddly. he's in one of sakusa's swears and it's almost hard to believe how small he looks like this.

sakusa wordlessly lifts atsumu up and into his lap, pulling the covers up over atsumu's shoulders and waits for atsumu to finally give in and press his face in the crook of his neck, inhaling sharply.

"will you tell me what's wrong?" sakusa asks

"i miss samu" he admits softly, "and home"

and sakusa understands that. he knows how close the twins were growing up and it's not like they don't talk because osamu even texts him to check on atsumu but it's different, being away from what he was so used to. sakusa can't say he feels the same about his childhood home. the only home he feels like he has is with atsumu and that's enough for him.

he kisses atsumu's head and gently rocks them back and forth. he's just as tired as atsumu looks and they did have a long day.

"we'll take some time off and visit osamu soon" sakusa whispers, "is that okay?"

he nods and wraps his arms around sakusa's neck. sakusa chuckles and rubs his back gently. no one would believe him if he told them how soft and cuddly atsumu was when they were alone.

"can we stay like this for a while?" atsumu asks and sakusa nods, reaching out to turn off the lamp

"as long as you need baby" sakusa smiles, "but you're going to have to massage my back after"

atsumu laughs and kisses his jaw.

"thank you omi"

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