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sakusa and atsumu made their way through the store, browsing through the aisles. they originally came here to get some silverware for their new apartment, but now are making their way to the checkout with a cart full of stuff. atsumu got distracted in the clothing aisle, buying a handful of sweaters for sakusa (they'd end up belonging to atsumu in a week anyways once sakusa's scent wore off on them).
sakusa looked around, letting his mind wander. the two boys walked past the baby section. why was it always right in the middle of the store?!
sakusa perked up with interest. he always tried to avoid this part of stores, insisting to himself that he didn't need anything. he had enough little gear, he didn't need anything but his treasured plush fox atsumu won for him at last years carnival. trying to hide his curiosity, sakusa averts his eyes to the floor, counting the tiles as they pass by under his feet.
"need something omi?" atsumu stopped pushing the shopping cart and looked at sakusa. had he been that obvious? it was only when they stopped walking that sakusa noticed that he had been dragging his feet. "oh.. u-uh no?" sakusa tilted to his head to the side, feeling like a deer caught in headlights.
"hm. well c'mon let's look around, yea?" atsumu headed into the baby aisle eagerly. sakusa could do nothing but stare wide- eyed at the toys lining the walls. god, this wasn't supposed to happen. to make matters worse, he felt himself lose his grip on his staying big. sakusa felt so small and safe in this aisle, he felt at home.
"what about these? you can choose which you like most." atsumu was trying to balance an armful of sippy cups and bottles, turning to sakusa with a raised brow.
sakusa's head was clouded over and he was so torn. the logical part of him wanted to shake his head and get the hell out of the store. he couldn't believe this was happening.. the regressed part of him wanted to choose a bottle and ask politely to get a toy.
atsumu noticed sakusa's hesitation and could practically hear the gears churning in his head. maybe he had crossed a boundary or misstepped.. before atsumu could apologize, sakusa reached out and grabbed one of the bottles in atsumu's left arm and held it to his chest. it was clear with and winnie the pooh themed, covered in softly colored designs of eeyore. sakusa's favorite character from winnie the pooh!
"that one, bub?" atsumu chuckled and put the rest of the bottles back on the shelf. he got a short nod and followed his boyfriends eyes to the shelf full of toys. sakusa turned to atsumu with a small, "can i?"
atsumu's heard practically melted. "of course omi, let's get you a couple yea? keep you busy." after looking at all the toys thoroughly, sakusa carefully reached for a box of soft plush building blocks and one of those teethers shaped like a key ring. he placed them in the cart alongside the bottle.
"t'ank you.." sakusa looked at his shoes shyly, sure his face was glowing bright red. sakusa was enveloped in a tight bear hug by atsumu, who knows the other boy doesn't enjoy affection in public but couldn't resist. he slowly felt sakusa's hands fist into his shirt and he gave the boy a kiss on the head.
"anything for you omi," sakusa giggled at feeling the words being whispered into his hair and slowly pulled out of the hug. "home! wanna play with toys. please?" sakusa pointed at towards the front of the store and grabbed atsumu's hand. "let's go bub. you can play with your toys all day, how does that sound?" the two boys made their way to the registers giggling hand in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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