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The television gave off the sound of cartoons, humming quietly from the living room. The two had finished their dinner and Sakusa wasted no time in running off to the living room to watch his show, leaving Atsumu with washing the dishes. He didn't mind though, Sakusa seemed really excited and he wasn't much help cleaning when he was little.

This was their routine. Sakusa would play all day, take a nap, play some more, then finally wind down and watch cartoons. Atsumu guessed that he got bored of his toys and colouring books by the time the sun was going down for the day. He picked a new cartoon every other day, it seemed. It was hard to keep up with Sakusa, since he got bored easily.

Drying off the bowl he finished washing, he put it aside with the rest to be put away in the morning. Once he gave the kitchen one last check to make sure he didn't forget any dishes, Atsumu left to join his little who was lying on his stomach, watching Catdog. He looked so invested, his eyes staring at the screen as he sucked the yellow pacifier in between his lips, his feet gently kicking.

"You getting tired yet, lovebug?" He only got a hum in response, the boy shifting to rest his head against Atsumu's side.

"Guess not, huh?" Gently brushing his fingers through the dark locks of hair, he drew his attention to the show in front of them. It was drawing closer to Sakusa's bedtime, the sunlight no longer bleeding through the curtains to light up the room, which now depended on the glow of the television.

"Not really." Sakusa muttered in response, giving Atsumu verbal confirmation that he was, in fact, not tired. Which didn't seem true, since he always got sleepy around this time, which made it a hundred times easier to put him to bed.

"Oh yeah? Well, your bedtime is soon, little one." A quiet whine could be heard behind the pacifier at the mention of bedtime. He usually didn't mind going to bed, he loved jumping into bed and snuggling close with Atsumu, but he figured he just didn't feel up to it tonight.

"What? You don't want to snuggle with me?" Atsumu tried to act offended, gasping as he put a hand on his chest. But Sakusa only giggled at his caregiver.

"Nuh uh. Wanna watch car'oons. Kay?" Sakusa looked up at the other with those wide puppy dog eyes that Atsumu just couldn't bring himself to say no to.

"One more episode, then we go to bed." Even he knew that probably was a lie.

Sometime in the middle of the second episode they had turned on, they made their way to the couch. Sakusa sat in Atsumu's lap, snuggling against his chest as his eyes stared at the television in front of them, fingers dancing across his back to relax him. Gently bouncing the boy on lap, Atsumu hummed quietly, glancing at the clock on the wall.

Fifteen minutes past bedtime. But Sakusa looked really interested in this episode and he knew he couldn't bring himself to pull him away from the episode. So, he decided to let him finish it.

Another episode. Thirty minutes past bedtime.

Another episode. Forty five minutes past bedtime.

Another episode. A whole hour past bedtime.

Finally, around the end of the last episode, Sakusa had to take his pacifier out of his mouth to let out a yawn, rubbing his eyes. Atsumu had been delaying bedtime for a long time now, because his little looked so interested in the show. But now Sakusa was growing tired and if he was being honest, he was too.

"Alright. It's time for bed." Atsumu finally spoke up once the episode ended. But Sakusa wasn't having it.

"No! One more!" He whined, wrapping his arms around Atsumu's neck as he buried his face into his chest. Sighing softly, he rested a hand on the boy's leg, rubbing the soft material of his onesie.

"Sweetheart, you said one more two episodes ago. It's time for bed. Come on." Sakusa only whined, refusing to get off of Atsumu's lap. He knew he couldn't pick him up or carry him, so staying still was the only way he could get his way.

"One more." He argued again, trying to show Atsumu those puppy eyes he fell for every time. But he wasn't going to fall for it twice in one night. Not this time anyway.

"Lovebug .. why don't you want to go to bed?" There had to be a reason. Sakusa loved napping, cuddling, going to bed and waking up to pancakes or his favourite cereal. He told Atsumu before that his favourite part of the day was his nap.

Sakusa looked down at his lap, taking his arms away from Atsumu so he could play with his fingers to distract himself. Ah, so there was a reason. He knew it.

"Been havin' bad dream." His voice was soft and barely even a whisper, afraid to admit that he had been having nightmares. Atsumu wondered how long this had been going on and he could remember the last time Sakusa was this defiant about going to bed. But maybe this was the first night because he didn't want to bring it up, he wasn't sure.

"Oh baby, why didn't you tell me? You know daddy will always be there to protect his little one." Pressing a kiss to his cheek, he saw a peak of a smile from the little.

"Jus' scared an' I didn't wanna worry you." Atsumu shook his head, gently hooking a finger under Sakusa's chin to lift his head up and make him look at him.

"I always worry about you, Sakusa. I love you." Smiling softly, the little pressed a kiss to his caregiver's nose before he wiggled off of his lap to turn the television off.

"That's my brave boy. Now let's go to bed, little one."

As they climbed into bed and the lights shut off, Sakusa felt his heart sink for a moment, worried he was going to have to dive straight into another nightmare. But the moment felt the arms of his caregiver wrap around his waist and tug him close, a kiss pressing against his head, he relaxed. Atsumu would protect him. No matter what.

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