Awaken the Queen

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Danny opened a portal to a frozen dune in the middle of the ocean. Beyond, he can feel the barrier put up by the Other Lot to protect this place. Without Clockwork's aid, he won't even know where he was or who was inside. But when he decided to ask Jazz what sort of trait he should look for that would suit his need as both Harry's guardian and as himself, she gave him a list.

First; she must not be related to anyone in the Magical World but must also be Magical herself so that she can protect Harry should there be a need for it. The reason for this was because Jazz didn't want anyone to influence the way she or Danny raise Harry. Not from the magical society with their backward culture or the ordinary people who could sow prejudice like Petunia due to jealousy.

Second; she must be able to counter Danny's aura of death. This was important because she noticed that Harry grew feverish when spent too long near Danny, something that neither wanted. His health must come first so it was imperative that Danny found someone that could counter him.

Third; she must be brave and steadfast. A very important quality as Harry was bound to attract trouble as the Boy-Who-Lived. Her concern must be Harry at all time. She must not be swayed by money or fame. Basically, a truly motherly person and family woman. This was probably the hardest because very few woman could give that sort of dedication to a child that wasn't hers.

Fourth; Harry must like her.

Danny sighed as he sought the entrance the normal way. He can't just phase through as it could alert the guardians of this hallowed ground. When he asked Clockwork where he can find such a woman, because the second quality alone was nigh impossible for him though also the most important aspect for his 'wife' to have, Clockwork immediately informed him of one such person.

This person was jealously guarded by the Other Lot and frankly? Danny didn't blame them. After all, she was possibly the most powerful person on this side of the Veil. Not to mention, she was 'beloved by magic'. Even if Voldemort came back, not even the Killing Curse can harm her. The best person to have around Harry. Not to mention, she was also 'beloved by the Elements'. Even if there was natural disaster, she will be safe. But the problem was if she would extend that protection on Harry.

The kicker here was that she was 'beloved by Life and Memory'. She was immortal, like him. But unlike him, she was alive and part of this world. Nature itself will keep her alive, even if she desired for death. That alone caused him to feel for her. So, to preserve her sanity, she slept and 'lived in memories'.

Danny finally found the entrance and bowed his head, "Greetings, Lady Ahtohallan. I am here to greet you Beloved Daughter,"

He cannot hide anything from the Mother of Memories. Just like how he cannot hide anything in front of Father of Time. After all, Time and Memory walked hand in hand, parallel and mirroring each other perfectly. So he knew that he should be respectful but not submissive. Just as she have her chosen Champion, he was Clockwork's.

There was a voice, whispering as if a crowd was talking at the same time with the same words, "What is the Tormented Son doing here and why does he seek my Beloved Daughter?"

Tormented? Well, that was fitting. His life was messy and full of trials after trials. He was, indeed, tormented. He kept his head bowed, "I have a proposal to make,"

There was silence...and then;

"And interesting proposal. You may enter,"

Danny nodded his head, bobbing a little from his bow, "Thank you, Milady,"

He was only casual with Clockwork because Clockwork allowed it. It was also how Clockwork wanted their relationship to be. However, with Lady Ahtohallan, Danny knew that manners can go a long way. He wasn't the foolish and brash 14 years old hero wannabe anymore. He's an adult and things that can be overlooked as ignorance in his teenage years would not be brushed aside in his present age.

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