Harry's First Birthday

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Harry patted his hair. They were heading out to the village down the hill that day for his birthday. Harry was already excited since this will be his first birthday that he will actually celebrate! But Mum and Dad wanted to take him out so that they can celebrate properly. Nanna can't come though. She was too weak to join them for the walk down the hill. Dad had tried to convince her to celebrate in the house but Nanna insisted that they go down for Harry. In the end, to not stress her out further, Dad agreed.

Harry promised to get her something from the village.

Mum said that it was only polite.

But Harry remembered the bad man that hit Mum and tried to take him when they were in London. He still remembered that day. Mum was clinging to both him and the kidnapper, making as much problem so that the bad man can't take Harry from his Dad and Mum and Nanna. The bad man hit Mum a lot, her body was black and blue like Harry's when Uncle Vernon got mad. This time, he promised himself to not freeze up like always did and bite whoever he didn't know that tried picking him up so Mum won't get hit.

Dad would then throw the bad people into the river.

But still, Mum did something on his scar. Mum and Dad never liked the scar. They said it was bad. At first Harry thought it was because it was ugly and it made him a bad boy. But Mum only kissed him and said that the scar brings bad people towards him so she must hide it. She used her magic to cover it.

It felt cool. He never noticed how his scar felt angry before. Now it wasn't as burning.

Dad then gave him a haircut but he made sure the bangs were long enough to brush his brows. Harry's hair used to look like a porcupine or a bird just made a nest out of it. He would know. He had seen one of the Other Lot hanging around with a bird's nest in his hair. He think it was cool that he have a bird's nest in his hair but his hair looked so tangled it must be painful. So even if bird's nest hair looked cool, Harry didn't want it for his hair. He's just a boy, not one of the Other Lot.

Dad called his haircut the Asian wolf cut. Harry wanted something like his but Dad said that they needed to hide the bad scar. So now Harry waited for his parents while patting his hair down over his scar. His hair was rather long, brushing against his neck and curling all around his face. Nanna said his hair was the Potter's trademark hair and at a certain length looked like he just came in from the storm. But Mum used her magic to make them more manageable.

Mum stepped out, "Harry?"

Harry looked up at her and marveled once again just how pretty his Mum was. The Other Lot always praised her for being pretty and now that he wasn't being a 'Dudley', he agreed with them. He stood up from where he was sitting on the steps to hug her and praised, "You're very pretty, Mum,"

She was pretty everyday but he wanted her to know too.

Mum giggled, "And you are a very handsome young man,"

Harry blushed. Everyone always said he was a handsome young man but Harry think that Dad was even more handsome. Nanna said he took after Dad and Harry hoped to look like him one day when he's bigger. But he also have Papa James that he took after so maybe he'll look more like him?

Dad finally showed up, "Ready?"

Harry grinned, "Yes!"

As they stepped out of their gate, Harry looked at their hands and decided to hold both in his. Mum smiled when he held hers and Dad squeezed his hand a little with his bigger ones. Harry giggled and skipped as they walked. At one point, they swing him between them and Harry squealed, happier than he had ever been. Harry saw a few of Mum's Other Lots around, peeking between trees and over grasses. Mum always warned him to not get too close because the Other Lots might be friendly but they were also dangerous. He can wave at them if he wanted to but he mustn't interact with them. They don't understand that human like Harry can be very fragile.

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