The Khaos Family

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Danny stared at the box of vials. Jazz's final present. He picked up one of them and stared at the deceptively inert liquid. He had read her letter, once it didn't feel like his core was being dropped into acid whenever thoughts of her came up. He have yet to consummate his marriage with Elsa. For whatever reason, both he and Elsa decided to wait and focus on their family first.

It was the right decision, born of instinct.

The wedding was so happy. Jazz was brilliant. She was talking, singing, dancing, and living. But Danny had experienced so much pain that he knew that something so wonderful was sure to be followed by something horrible. And Elsa...she just seemed to know. She had spent as much time with Jazz on her finals days awake. Then when Jazz collapsed, she had done her best sticking by his sister's side.

But she knew that there was no stopping death.

Danny remembered waking up in cold sweat, feeling the cold touch of death passing through his home. He remembered immediately running to Jazz. Remembered Elsa following behind him and heading straight for him instead of his unresponsive sister. In his distress, he had felt resentment towards her calmness. But that moment passed faster than a blink when he saw her eyes.

She knew. She had lost more than he ever did. She had attend more funerals of her own loved ones than he did. She knew his pain more than anyone else but she also knew that she can't let him continue to hurt Jazz's body. So she attend to him instead of one who had left. She supported him when Harry was still confused. Ellie left, unable to handle the pain of Jazz's death. Dan fell quiet and unresponsive though Danny saw him sitting in front of Jazz's closed door a few times. He had stayed with his estranged sister while Danny had to painfully pull away, hoping to keep her alive for a while longer.

Elsa was his only pillar during those dark days after her passing. She stood strong for both him and Harry. When Harry finally understood that Jazz wasn't coming back, it was hard for Danny. He didn't know what to say or how to explain. But Elsa showed him the way. She picked up the parts that Danny couldn't and gathered their son along with his heart. The days that followed, she continued to be the sole pillar of strength in their home. Slowly, she healed them. Even Dan was less angry around her.

She was the best decision he ever made. She didn't berate him or force him to stand back up. It was every man's fear; to have their weakest moment used against them. But Elsa was compassionate. She waited. She silently supported him. When he felt that the road forward was too much, she was there. Silently reminding him that he have much to continue for. Simply spending time in his office with Harry was enough for Danny. She was patient and gentle. Instead of telling him, without a word she motivated him to be strong.

Could a man fall in love over and over?

If before he fell shallowly for her physical beauty, later her fell for her motherly nature towards his son, then falling for the idea that she was to be his wife, now he found himself fully falling for her as a person. She might not be what he wanted, but she was precisely what he needed.

He won't have ever sought her out if not for Jazz.

And now, Jazz left him one final thing to do to solidify his family as a unit. She had commissioned a potion that will work like a magical adoption that will make Harry truly Danny and Elsa's. Danny wasn't sure how it would work but seeing Clockwork's stick-it-note inside the box told him enough. This was the right road to take. He stroke a thumb over the vial's smooth surface.

He looked at the portrait that he had commissioned a ghost to paint of him and his whole family. Even Plush Dan was included, hugged tight by Harry and looking as grumpy as the grumpiest cat. Spooky sat on Danny's shoulder, proud and regal for an owl. He was completely fearless of Danny's ghostly nature. He partly wondered if the owl was actually a ghost in the form of an owl. Elsa was dressed in her Spirit Dress, looking fey and ethereal beside him. Jazz sat in the chair with Harry standing beside her. Ellie stood close on Danny's other side. As for him? He commissioned a ghost because he was using his Ghost King form for the portrait.

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