My Cool Girlfriend Part 1

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I knelt in front of the toilet and started to vomit. The fact that I had nothing in my stomach meant that my vomit wasn't much, but I still couldn't stop myself from doing it. Every time I remember him, his face, his words, his touches on my body.

I came back and vomited again until I really couldn't do it anymore, I fell to the floor my face full of tears and an expression of absolute disgust.

He had raped me; he took advantage of the fact that I was drunk and he... He raped me. I pressed my head with my hands trying somehow to keep the memories of that night from coming back, something that was impossible, the more I tried to disperse them the more they appeared. They were fuzzy and even confusing, but most importantly they are present and impossible to misinterpret.

As he had taken me after the party, he took me to a motel and took advantage of the fact that I could barely stand up. No matter how much in the middle of my drunkenness I told him to stop, he went on and on using me as a toy, saying disgusting things.

I wanted to vomit one more time, but only noise came out of my mouth.

I heard my phone ringing in my room, my whole body shaking I walked over to the place to pick up the phone and see who was dialing me. When I picked up the phone, I could see my boyfriend's number... When I saw him, when I knew it was him, I couldn't stop myself from feeling the tears come to my face, what will I tell him, will he believe me if I tell him I was raped, or will he just dismiss everything and call me a cheater? I didn't have the strength to answer him, I just let the phone ring as I cried hugging myself.

No matter how hard I try not to think about it, how hard I try to just move on and leave it as just a bad moment in my life, I... I can't stop myself from feeling dirty. I go into my shower, and it doesn't come out until several hours later after I've scrubbed my skin to the point of leaving it red, despite that I still feel just as dirty.

I sat on my bed in the fetal position pondering what I would do next. That man who raped me is a classmate of mine in college, I will have to see him almost every day for years, I... I don't have the strength for that to look at him as if I had done nothing.

I just lay on my bed crying silently, begging that somehow it had all been a dream.

POV boyfriend

It's almost dark and she's not answering any of my calls, she hasn't even seen my messages. In normal weather, even with her distant attitude, she usually responds to my calls and messages relatively quickly, this is the first time she's done something like this to me.

Worry dawned on me reflecting on the worst. After the party last night, where I drank more than I should have, I know a classmate walked me home... But she... I don't know what happened to her.

Moved by my concern, I put everything aside and headed towards her home, if she is not at home, I will be forced to call the police and report her possible disappearance. Because of her distant attitude, my girlfriend doesn't have many friends and the few she has are not even close, so I highly doubt that some of them know where she is and why she is not answering my calls.

I arrived at her apartment and quickly went to her door where I first knocked gently, but as the seconds ticked by with no response, I increased the force and rhythm to the point where I was almost punching her.

"Go away" I heard her say behind the door, her voice sounded brittle and dry.

"Thank god you're here, you had me worried, I tried to contact you the whole day" I said now relieved to know where she is.

"Please go" She said again her voice even more broken than before, almost feeling like she was on the verge of tears.

"What?" I uttered confused by her request and her tone of voice.

"Get out, get out, get yourself another girlfriend who isn't a fucking whore!" she finished by screaming and from what I heard she said that crying.

I stayed silent for a few seconds thinking about those words she came from saying and the tone of voice in which she said them, I also did it to listen better and notice that clearly, she is crying. The cool, cold and distant girl, who never shows her emotions... She's crying.

"I won't leave" I pronounced "I won't leave until you tell me what's wrong with you."

Something happened to her, something serious, for her to be crying, for her to call herself a whore, for her to refuse to open the door for me and say that to my face, something happened to her because that's not how my girlfriend acts.

"Please, I beg you, go away" She begged in tears.

Hearing her cry like that ignited something inside me. I clenched my fists tightly to the point of making my veins pop.

I stared at the door in front of me "I won't do it" I stood my ground "I'll stay here until you open the door and tell me to my face like you always have."

For five minutes or so I could only hear her sobbing as I could feel her, debating whether to open the door.

Finally, I heard the distinguishable sound of a door opening. When I could finally see her, I had too much trouble recognizing her, her eyes are red, her skin looks irritated and her hair is a mess, she looks like she is in the worst stage of her life.

"I-I'm a whore" She whispered while keeping her gaze down "You deserve better than a woman who sleeps with others behind your back" she uttered those words again which were interrupted by sobs several times.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused, seeing her like that saying those things is so implausible that I still have difficulty thinking it's about her.

She opened her mouth and closed it several times as if she was trying to say something that clearly didn't want to come out. At one point she fell to her knees and resumed her crying.

I immediately crouched down to her level putting my arms around her trying to stop her crying.

"H-he... He... He raped me" she said between heart wrenching sobs.

He... He... He... He... He... He raped her... My teeth began to grind from how hard I was clenching them, while every little vein in my body began to become quite visible.

Hearing that was like a trigger for my memory, in the middle of my advanced state of inebriation, while someone was driving me home another guy grabbed her, a bastard with black hair combed backwards.

I took a breath to try to calm my rage and not to run off looking for the bastard. Right now, she needs my help, she needs my presence.

I hugged her tighter and sunk her face in my shoulder while caressing her back "It's ok... It's ok" I pronounced repeatedly trying to calm her down.

After several minutes her crying stopped, and she seemed to fall asleep on my insurance already tired from having spent the day buried in tears.

I carried her into the house and laid her on her bed and lay down next to her. When she wakes up... I'll see what she wants to do about this... But whatever she decides that damn bastard won't come out of this unscathed, I swear.

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