My Cool Girlfriend Part 3

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The son of a bitch managed to take this to trial. I don't understand how, we had all the evidence, his DNA, the signs of rape, we had absolutely everything to frame him, but the scumbag apparently lost his phone where the major evidence was that he raped my girlfriend.

And according to his lawyer, the evidence was inconclusive and the testimony of both my girlfriend and me is unreliable.

When I heard that I was so fucking pissed off I almost ran out to beat the shit out of the bastard. Two cops had to stop me from leaving the police station.

The same cop who gave me the lawyer's number was one of them. He controlled me and told me to calm down, because taking violent actions could end up hurting my girlfriend and me, since apparently the rapist made a defamation accusation, therefore, going to beat him up would make him right.

In the end we had to go to the lawyer and several weeks later the trial started.

As a witness I can't stand next to my girlfriend and this makes me angry, because from a distance I can see her trembling at the mere fact that the bastard who raped her is looking at her right now with that smug fucking face.

My only relief in this is that the lawyer stood next to her so that the bastard would have trouble seeing her, and indeed the lawyer can't be more out of place in a Korean courtroom. A tall foreigner, almost six feet tall with dark skin and musculature closer to that of a boxer than a lawyer, the man is bald and frankly I was quite intimidated the first time I saw him.

But the man is quite professional and kind, he has been supporting us all these weeks not only in the legal field, as he gave me several tips to help my girlfriend get through these events.

"Gentlemen, today we are here for a double lawsuit, on the side of the lady it is a rape accusation, while on the side of the young man here it is a defamation accusation" Pronounced the judge giving with a nod of his head the word to the foreign lawyer.

"Madam and gentlemen, several days ago my client here was molested by the man here" Pronounced the lawyer making use of his incredibly strong voice and his surprisingly good use of Korean.

"Objection your honor" Spoke the bad guy's lawyer.

"Objection overruled" pronounced the judge "continue."

"As I was saying, my client was abused and there is proof of that. The medical assessment shows clear traces of rape, while on the clothes my client wore that day traces of the defendant's DNA were found and some of those traces were sperm" As the attorney spoke, the judge took a folder with that information and read it with incredible speed.

"Objection your honor" again asked the defendant's attorney.

"Objection sustained" The judge dropped the folder and looked at the rapist's attorney.

"Your honor, none of that proves rape, only that my client had intimate relations with this girl, this is an obvious case of infidelity."

When I heard that son of a bitch says that, I had all the urge in the world to jump him.

The only reason why I sat there with my head down is because as a witness it's important for me to be present and attacking him like that would get me out of here.

"What evidence do you have of that?" asked the judge raising an eyebrow "The lady here had traces of struggle on her body, plus vaginal tearing, that's pretty clear signs of rape" Explained the judge.

"Your honor, the woman here, went to a motel with my client What raped woman would go to a motel with her rapist?" The more I listen to that son of a bitch talk, the harder it is for me to control myself.

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