why do you get out of there?

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You've got to be fucking kidding me. When Sae-Hyun said he had found someone to do the foursome we had planned, I didn't expect that person to be Mi-Noo.

And now he's here, right in front of my apartment door, seeing me half naked, being held by a guy he doesn't know.

And clearly from his expression, he wasn't expecting to see this. I interrupted Choi Shi-Oon who was about to speak "Wait for me for two minutes Mi-Noo" I said before closing the door.

I immediately ran into the room to look for something to dress decently with, all that to Choi Shi-Oon's quizzical look "What are you doing?" he asked looking confused.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm getting dressed" I said as I put on a clean skirt.

I took off the shirt I'm wearing now and went into the bathroom both to run a wet washcloth over my body and to fix my hairstyle and face.

"Yes, so I see, but why, Sae-Hyun already arrived, only now the interesting part starts" She kept following me everywhere I go as I quickly try to make myself presentable.

"Yeah, and he brought Mi-Noo, he's introverted, not the kind of guy to have a foursome for his first time" At least I'm almost ready now, I just need to put on some perfume, and I can go out.

"Oh yeah, I remember you telling me about him, your childhood friend" Actually I had only told him about Mi-Noo because one night while we were together, I kept texting Mi-Noo instead of paying attention to him.

"Yeah, and now he must be fucking confused why Sae brought him" I'm pretty sure he didn't even tell Mi-Noo why he brought him. Knowing him, he would never have agreed to something like that.

"Well... So, let's just have a threesome then and that's it, just tell him you talk to him later" I stopped all my walking and looked him straight in the face.

"Mi-Noo is my friend since we are 7 years old, he has long been like a younger brother to me. Here and now, he comes from just watching me walk out of an apartment half naked being held by someone he doesn't know. I know what Mi-Noo is like, and I know how much something like this can leave him feeling bad, so yes, I'm interrupting this to talk to him" I didn't give him any more room for arguments.

I headed for the exit realizing that Sae-Hyun had already entered the apartment "What's wrong?" she asked.

"You brought the bad person, it happens" I answered her about to leave.

"What, I brought him because he knows you, I figured it was better to bring someone familiar than a complete stranger" Well, in Sae's defense that's not a bad idea.

"You're right about that, but first you had to realize what he's like, don't wait for me" having said that I left the place meeting Mi-Noo with my head down "Mi-Noo" I said with the aim of attracting his attention, as he seems not to have noticed my presence.

"J-Ji-A" He replied, looking up, making me realize he's on the verge of tears.

Seeing him like that breaks my heart "I'm sorry for making you see that... I... You weren't supposed to" I uttered immediately feeling less confident.

Mi-Noo seemed to search for her words as she tried not to cry, after a few seconds she succeeded "Is he your boyfriend?"

"Him? God no, no, our relationship is merely carnal... Woe betides the girl who dates him, he's a hardcore womanizer" I replied those words being true. As handsome and good in bed as Choi Shi-Oon is, he is not the man you want to have something serious with.

"I-I see" He seemed relieved to know that, although I can still see that he feels bad.

Wait. He's still in love with me? God, I thought I'd put that behind me after high school.

"Let's get a coffee, I'm kind of hungry" As I always tend to do with him it wasn't a suggestion. I took him by the hand and started dragging him out of the place to go to a nearby cafe.

Mi-Noo and I have been friends for years. He's the longest friend I've ever had in my entire life. It's funny because our personalities contrast so much, I'm extroverted and he's introverted. People usually get weirded out when I say he's my best friend and vice versa when he introduces me as his best friend.

When we were in high school, I realized that Mi-Noo felt more than just friendship for me. I was confused back then; we've known each other for so long that it almost felt like I knew my younger brother had a crush on me.

Thinking like an idiot teenager I told myself that if he really had feelings for me, he would propose to me at some point, which in retrospect makes me feel like an idiot, ie Mi-Noo the introvert, proposing? Of course, he wouldn't make the first move.

Obvious, he never did, and I had convinced myself that his feelings for me weren't real.

And now here I am realizing how stupid I was.

Anyway, we arrived at the café and took a seat after we each ordered something. As soon as we sat down silence settled between the two of us. Surprisingly, despite the introvert, this never used to happen between us, we always had something to say to each other.

I realize that possibly something has changed in the year we have been out of touch. I am aware that I have become more promiscuous, which is not bad. I mean, I'm young and I know the limits, I don't get my hopes up with Choi Shi-Oon and I use him as much as he uses me. I also have my contraceptives up to date and all that, there's nothing wrong with having recreational sex, it's not like I'm in a relationship and I'm cheating on someone. That would be disgusting.

Although... Looking at Mi-Noo I can tell it gets to him. I let out a slight sigh before speaking "Mi-Noo... It's just fun, it's nothing serious. You know, we're in college our crazy years before going into work and locking ourselves into the monotony of adulthood" the fact that I feel the need to justify myself to him makes me feel confused.

"I-I understand... It's okay Ji-A" He tried to give me a smile with those words, which wasn't very successful, as his smile was forced.

You know what, fuck it I'm going to kick the fuck out of this annoying door and go straight to the topic that's bringing us trouble here and now "Mi-Noo do you like me?"

The question caught him off guard. He opened his eyelids wide, his face reddened fast, and he started sweating from nerves. To my surprise I started to feel my hands sweating as if I was afraid of what he was going to answer.

What am I afraid of? If I answer yes... If I answer no... God... I don't even know what I feel.

Before I know it, we're both sweating bullets as our nerves are at their peak. I'm waiting for her answer, but I don't even know which one I like. If he tells me no, then we'll just stay friends, right? Damn I'm not even sure about that anymore, but if he says yes what will I do? We've known each other for years, he knows me better than anyone else does, he knows my every taste, my nuances.

Besides, despite being introverted, he is a serious guy, a good student. He can even be very detailed as he showed me on each of my birthdays. He and I complement each other quite well and... And... And... And... I want him to fucking say yes.

After we were silent for what seemed like about twenty minutes, Mi-Noo finally opened her mouth, she was about to speak, but he closed it again. He seemed reluctant to speak, to say it, maybe for fear of not being reciprocated or ruining our friendship or whatever else is going through his head.

And I... I'm making the same mistake as I did in high school "Mi-Noo do you want to try dating me?" it was harder than I thought to say those words.

Again, he seemed puzzled by my words, but he recovered faster than before, only he didn't speak, he just nodded shyly, maybe not quite believing the words I came from saying to him.

"Well... So, now we are boyfriend and girlfriend" A smile started to peek over my face as I repeated those last words in my head liking them more and more.

"We are" he uttered being incredulous. I couldn't stop myself from laughing a little.

It's funny, actually... It turns out that the one who was never sure of her feelings here was the extrovert and not the introvert. Now I'm making a cross about the crazy college girl life I was leading up until now, but right now, I don't think I made a bad decision.

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