mag 14 has been out for 3 days and im going insane

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I littarly can't think of anything else.


Also, did a dude just give neck birth to a buch of snakes???!??????!???


And the crickets



All the time!??!?!? When you're about to get infested by snakes?!?!?!?!?? And it's because you forgot the squirrel hole?!?!?!!??!?!? And it's like super warm?!?!??!!??!?!? And the institute?!?!?!?!!??!? Naaahhhhhhh




IDK if I'm remembering properly, but that was rejection papers, right? And we know that was the magnus institute, and we know Sam was apart of their child programme, and that he obviously didn't get in foe whatever reason, so maybe this snake-dude was in the same program? Whit Sam, and gerry, who we know was there as well cause of tmagp 9(?).

AND, I saw someone on tiktok saying that they thought there was going to be some snake theme due to this, and that ink5oul person.

Which got me thinking, snakes are often used as an analogy for someone toxic, or a liar/manipulator, and in tma the fear of manipulation is the web(who is part of smirkes 14, that doesn't really exist in this world, I assume (tho they might, since the institute did)), so maybe in tmagp the web is no longer teamed up with spiders, but snakes instead.

But that would tie Ink5oul to this other web, which I don't completely agree with, since I feel the thing they did to that painter woman is very spiral coded, and tattoos are kinda flesh coded(?), plus the entire my-tattoo-of-a-paintbrush-
got-me-to-magically-and-physically-change-my-body-and-looks-to-the-point-of-hospitalisation is severely the flesh coded.

Going back to the spiral, I feel we need to discuss our new favourite twink, needles. Cause, wtf. WHAT IS HE (IT?)????? LIKE, IS HE MADE OF NEEDLES??? IS HE COVERED IN THEM???? WHHHAAAAAAAAA
Anways, needles is incredibly spiral coded, and hes(it's?) a little guy, he's just a little guy, and it's also his birthday he's a little birthday boy.

Another this I need to talk about (really feeding the eye with this one) is Mr Bonzo because WHAT THE FLIPPETY FUCK IS THAT. "Mr bonzo's on his way he wants to stay he wants to play" my ass. Nuh uh. Stay away. Nope. Not doing that. The Bonzo Butcher aswell. Nuh uh. Nuh uh. Nuuuuh uuuhhhhh. The Gordon Ramsey reference was kind of fun, tho.

Why am I doing this? Because big man is a big boy man yes big boy man is a big boy maaan. Big man.

More to talk about consists of: Chester, Norris, and Augustus.

I mean, Chester is jon. Norris is Martin. At least they better be, or I'm going to lose my mind.

But who is Augustus? Is he jurgen? No, wrong voice actor. Elias? Nope, wrong va again. So who is he? I am a sheep, and I follow the heard when it comes to theories, so I currently believe in the "Augustus is jonah" theory. There is a number of reasons why this makes sense. Nr1. Jonah was with Jon and Martin in the panopticon when they died. Nr2. We have never heard Jonah's voice, only Jonah possed Elias's. Plus, Jonah was old when he made the first switch (I'm pretty sure, at least), so it would make sense for him to sound like an old guy as well. Now, you might be asking how Jonah can be the one in the computer when he was inhabiting Elias's body, well I think that's because Jonah's original body was  still in the panopticon when the eyepocalypse started.

But that's just a theory a GAME(podcast) THEORY

Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk ill see myself out.

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